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Written on: September 3, 2016

Race, we were the typical ones of "I'm not going to fall first" but even from the start of that so called game I knew that  I'm the one who's going to fall first. I've been in this game and I've felt worse but despite of that I ran, not towards the finish line nor ahead of you. But instead I stayed slightly behind you so that I could cheer you when you feel like you're giving up and help you when you fall. It was never my plan to run because I'm afraid to fall but I wanted to let you feel that I'm here whenever you feel like you're going to crawl. Because back in the old days when I fell, no one was there for me and I don't want to see you, hopeless like me. I wanted you to know that I'm here.

Opportunity, if there's just a chance that you would look at me even in the midst of this tracks. I would want you to know that it's okay to lose than to have a severe bruise. If there's only a chance when you can think that this is not a serious game and there would be nothing to be claimed when you reach the finish line.

Yield, I have yielded on myself but not on you, not what I feel for you. They say this is the survival of the fittest. Also the battle of the emotional and mental state but how far could you ran? I have already seen your face, glistening with sweat. I ever wonder if you have ever felt that what you're doing is a threat. I ever wonder if you regret the choice you made.

Growth, but as time passed by I see how you are adjusting to the difficulty you are in and I found myself becoming more and more idle but from the start I was never significant to you. I'm just the one who's been there beside you when you needed someone. But I'm never the one who captured your view. You smile but that smile isn't for me.

Beauty, You saw the good things I have done for you. You have realized that but never acknowledge of what I have done. I want to overrun you but the finish line is not for me to take but I still want to run with you even with my aching feet.

Irony, I was almost there I almost took it from you but out of the blue, I remembered that it was for you and I was desperate. How mean I was to almost separate you from your dream.

Vain, Here I am, wasn't left at the back of the track but I did fell down...I didn't run immediately but caught up with you. Almost reached the finish line but let you go ahead instead. I'm left here and the most painful thing is I see you holding the one I hate. The one you chased over and over again, the one that made you cry, the one that almost drove you into insanity. How come that you didn't dare to look at me. The one who gave something up to get what you want. The one who risked all the pain just to be with you, to be beside you, But maybe the feelings I showed wasn't enough for you to realize that I love you enough to give you what you have always wanted. What you have always love but I guess that's enough. Enough for everything.

Words of the Broken and the LoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon