Going back with secrets

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"Are you convinced now, daughter," Voldemort asks me. I nod with tears in my eyes. "Why are you crying, my flesh and blood? Isn't it amazing that you have such strong blood?" "No, it's not! How would I ever face Harry and Ron again," I yell at him, crying my eyes out.

Through my tears I look to the worst wizard in history, who just happened to be my father. "I-I need to go," I say, jumping up from the chair and walking away. When I am Apparated to Diagon Alley at the side of one of the Death Eaters, they talk further.

"Don't we need to go after her, My Lord," Dolohov asks. "No Dolohov, there is no need for that. She won't say this to anyone." "How are you sure?" "I just am Dolohov. She will keep this a secret, and she will come back. I am completely sure of it."

I walk through Diagon Alley without knowing where I was going to. Suddenly, a wizard from the Ministry of Magic apprehends me. "You are Miss Granger, aren't you," the wizard asks. I nod, wiping my tears away.

"Then you are missing, what happened? I will bring you to the Ministry of Magic. They will owl your parents." Parents! Why did he needed to say parents? He.. my dad.. I can't think about something else.

I got pulled into Apparation, just like one hour before. He pulls me to the Registration Desk. "I have here Hermione Granger, she is one of the missing persons from the Quidditch World Cup." 

"She was with Arthur Weasley and his children, wasn't she? Then the Weasleys are still sitting in the waiting room, with the others from whom some people hadn't returned." "First, she needs to be questioned. Then she can go to them."

He pulls me with him through a couple of corridors, in an elevator and through a hallway to a room. I hear the shouting of the Weasley family, who are seeing us walking through the corridors. Some Ministry-workers hold them back, screaming: "SHE NEEDS TO BE HEARED, SHE COMES BACK SOON." I hear the Weasleys complaining when I enter the hearing room.

"So, Miss Granger. What happened when you entered the Forest?" "I was just running, running away from the Death Eaters." "Why couldn't we find you then? We had searched the Forest, with around it lots of wizards and witches to catch up fleeing people." "I.. I don't know why," I mumble, not knowing what to say.

I just couldn't betray him. I just can't. But he has done much horrible things, I should report this! I am still his.. daughter. "Do you hide something Miss Granger? Has a Death Eater caught you?" "No, no one had caught me! Can't I just go home," I beg them.

Probably they thought they knew everything. If only that was true. They led me to the waiting room, where I got hugged by every Weasley. "Oh Hermione, dear, we were so worried. You can't imagine how terrified I was when I hear you were nowhere to be found," Mrs Weasley rattles with tears of joy. I just hug them, without saying words.

I am afraid that if I try to speak, I will only make weird noises and hiccups.

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