Draco's help

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Luckily, Harry comes above the water. I gasp for air. He is alive, great Merlin he is alive! I yell with the rest of the people. I help him out of the water with some other teachers and give him a blanket, watched by an angry Krum. He tries to ask me if I want to come to Bulgaria with him, but I was a little bit busy with Harry. Do you mind, he is my best friend and he could have drowned yet! I could have lost my friend because of his stupid pride.

"You did realise, that you only wasted time saving Gabrielle? School wouldn't let her drown Harry," I whispered in his ear. He looks shocked and told me what the egg had said. Oh Merlin, he didn't thought it was serious, did he? I stand up and walk away. On my way I grab someone's arm and pushes the person with me into the Forest.

"Hermione, where are you taking me," the voice of the boy say. "I need to ask you something," I say in a serious tone. "What do you want to ask me?" "That, if we can find the murderer of my mother, you would kill him with me," I say. I look him pleadingly in the eyes. "Of course Hermione, I will be by your side," he whispers in my ear when he pulls me into a hug. 

"Thank you, Draco."

We planned a lot and finally found her murderer by the end of the year. It was him. I had to expect it. That was why I needed to stay away from him. It was Karkaroff.

Draco and I tried to make a plan to kill him, but we did not really succeed. I stated I wanted to kill him in the Muggle-way, while Draco stated the Wizarding-way was way faster and with lot less ways to get caught.

"Draco, I want to kill him the way he did with my mother," I hissed at him. "But with the magic way, you won't get caught in any way," he whispers back. I sigh. I couldn't get him to let me do my way.

"Something else: when can we get the chance? He won't be easy to kill," I whisper, trying to get on another point of our plan. "He is an ex-Death Eater, it won't be easy. That grade do you get with a reason." "Pfuh, Wormtail can call himself a Death Eater to, and what did he do? Only betraying his friends and cousing them to die."

We sigh in choir. 'This is less easy then in bad police movies," I sigh. "What are movies," asks Draco curiously. "No time to explain," I say, waving off his question. "I think we need to kill him at the end of this year. After the Triwizard Tournament maybe."

"And how will you do that without being arrested immediately?" "I don't know yet. The only thing I know is that I need a gun." "A gun?" "No time to explain either. The only thing you need to know is that when you pull over the trigger, someone can die."

"You are completely sure about killing Karkaroff Hermione? Causing someone to die can hurt you very badly." "I know Draco, I know," I whisper while I ball my fists. He puts an arm around me and I lay down with my head on his chest.

"I am ready for this Draco. Would you stand by me?" "Of course I do, I always did," he whispers softly into my ear, without hesitation. "You promise me?" "I promise," he mumbles.

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