The end of the Second Wizarding War

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We run to the entrance of the school and we see my father, casting Avada Kedavra at Harry Potter. But Harry wasn't dumb, so he casted a spell back and the two spells crash with each other in the middle.

"GO ON DAD," I yell, trying to support him. He tries harder, I can see it. "Draco, we need to help him," I yell, but on that moment, my dad screams: "I WANT TO DO THIS ALONE HERMIONE, WITHOUT YOUR HELP!" I was shocked that he responded, but nodded, looking at the battle. Everyone joined us.

Unfortunately, Harry seemed to be stronger. The crossing of the spells came closer to my father and I yelled, screamed, cried and wanted to fight. The spell hit my father and he stands there. Pieces of his body break down and he floats away into the sky.

I run towards what is still remained of him, because the progress goes very slowly. "NO, DAD, PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE IN THIS WORLD DADDY, PLEASE! PLEASE DADDY," I scream in agony, crying my heart out.

He reaches with the broken skin of his hand towards my face. "My pretty, smart little girl. Be brave. Just be brave in this world. There is so much to live for. I may have died, but you will live on with your boyfriend and child. Remember that, promise?" "I.. I promise it daddy.. I promise," I stutter through my tears which refused to stay in my eyes.

He whipes them away, pressing a kiss on my head. "I love you." "I love you too daddy. I am so sorry I couldn't spend more time with you," I cry. "You don't have to be sorry for that, child. You couldn't help it," he replies. He grabs something from his neck, taking it off his neck.

"It.. it's Slytherin's locket. You are his last descendant now.. it belongs with you." "I will carry and protect it with my life, I promise." "Now, my sweetheart, let me die in peace." "I will make sure of it, dad."

I stand up, protecting his dying body. I look emotionless at Harry, saying 'Avada Kedavra'. He drops dead and I stand there. Draco runs towards me, hugging me tightly. "I love you Hermione." "I love you too Draco." I swallow and cry some more.

"Draco.. my father.. he-he.. died," I whisper into his chest. He rubs my back and whispers loving, caring words into my ear. The Death Eaters all cast a spell in the air as remembrance. After that they go into Hogwarts, getting the captives.

"You are their leader now Hermione," Lucius whispers to me. I nod, wiping my last tears away. "Let's go to Riddle Manor." Everyone nods and we Apparate away. We use spells so Riddle Manor will be forgotten by the people in the town around it. Then we cast another spell so it can't be found by someone else than Death Eaters.

"Draco.. I know we won, but without my father it feels like we have lost," I say softly as we lay down on the kingsize bed in our bedroom. "I know it love, but you need to be strong now. I know it is hard, but just.. try to focus on other things."

I look like a misery: terribly tired and sad. "How will I do that? Just like my mother, I just knew him for so short." "Hermione, you still have something left of him. Slytherin's Locket. Remember him with that Hermione. Remember who he was and what he was for you."

I nod and we both walk down for dinner with the Death Eaters. I wear a beautiful black dress with matching black heels and jewelry made of obsidian. Draco takes my hand and we both sit down at the head of the table.

"Death Eaters, we may have lost my father tonight, but we are still here. Alive. Safe. The Wizarding World is ours, so let's celebrate that. Let us celebrate and mourn. Let us be happy and sad. Take a bite, drink a sip and talk with each other. Have a nice dinner," I speech to them, sitting down again.

I wasn't as good in speeching as my father, but I can work on that. We had taken in some House Elves to clean and do the cooking. The Manor was still dusty and old, but with their help it will be beautiful in no time.

That night I had no nightmares, surprisingly, only good dreams over the beautiful times I had and have with Draco, Blaise, Evie, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. Blaise and Evie announced their relationship that evening, which didn't exactly surprise me that much.

I had asked Blaise about Ginny and he admitted he had a crush on her for a while, but grew over it as she kept supporting that Order of the Phoenix. Goyle got together with my cousin Daphne and Pansy got with a boy named Theodore Nott. I recognised his father as a Death Eater and got the time to get to know Theodore a bit more.

I was very busy with controlling the Wizarding World now. I didn't want to be the Minister of Magic, but I had to for a couple of days, or maybe months. New laws, taking new staff, searching for the other members of the Order and punishing them. It was a lot of work but luckily Draco helped me.

Because yes, Draco was my biggest supporter and fan.

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