The truth about Yarah Greengrass and Igor Karkaroff

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We walk to the big black gate before Malfoy Manor. It opens already, because the gate knows us. Goyle opens the door for us and we walk in, putting our trunks down in the hallway. "Don't worry about luggage, our House-elves will take it to your room," Draco says nonchalantly.

I didn't care for House Elves and S.P.E.W anymore, I had too much on my head to care about that anymore. "I want to say hello to my dad, I'll see you in the living room I think," I say. I kiss Draco on his cheek and wave to them, running upstairs. I knock on my dad's office door.

"Come in," he growls angrily. I walk in and his face brightens up. "Hermione... dear... you are okay!" He stands up, half-running towards me and we hug. For a couple of seconds it is silent, until he mutters:"Lucius told me you were okay.. I just didn't want to believe it. I wanted to see you in real life, so I could see you being okay instead of only hearing it."

He seemed like a normal human, with normal emotions and who cares for the well-being of his child. "I-I thought I lost you like I lost Yarah. You might not think, but I really loved her in a friendly way. The Potter's were killed because of her." "The Potter's? What do you mean," I ask in confusion.

"I killed Harry Potter's parents because they tried to kill Yarah while she was pregnant with you. Of course they didn't think it was my child, but still. They did not succeed, as you may see, and I killed them so they wouldn't try it again." I was shocked, he never told me so much about the dead of the Potter's. About no dead, I think.

"Can-can I ask you about Karkaroff?" He looks uncomfortable. It was indeed a bit strange. I killed him and now I want to ask my father about him. "He-he said that if he was sad he didn't kill me too, why did he think that?" "Sit down and be ready for a long, serious story, Hermione." I sit down and look at him. "It happened a long time ago-"

-- Flashback --

3th persons' P.O.V

"Igor, I don't want you," Yarah snaps. "But you belong with me! Why did you ask me out if you didn't want me!" "Because I wanted to try it out! But now I know you are a damn traitor. You betrayed your Lord, your friends, me!" "They weren't my friends and they aren't yours!"

"They are. They love me and I love them. I am a Death Eater and I am proud of it." "You are crazy, damn crazy. Even Voldemort is less crazy than you." "Don't say his name, you traitor. Don't say his name or you get problems with me!" "I do what I want. Why are you so protective of someone who doesn't love you back! I love you, you love me, we belong together!"

"I don't belong with you, I belong with my Lord and my child." "Your-your child?" "Damn, I shouldn't have said that," she mutters," don't mind what I just told you!"

"You are pregnant, are you crazy? You are to young to be a mother!" "I am happy I can serve my Lord, leave me alone Karkaroff!" "YOU ARE PREGNANT OF VOLDEMORT?" "I TOLD YOU, DO NOT SAY HIS NAME WITH YOUR FILTHY TRAITOR TONGUE. LEAVE ME ALONE, I DON'T WANT TO EVER SEE YOU AGAIN. LEAVE OUR FAMILY ALONE!" Yarah walks away, angrily. "You-you.. not the love of my life," Karkaroff mutters, seeing his love fleeing

Many months later, with little Hermione just born..

"What are you doing here Karkaroff," Yarah asks, surprised by her old-best-friend/lover walking through the door to their livingroom. "Get away from my sister, you filthy traitor," Aiden Greengrass, her brother, snaps, putting an arm protectively around Yarah's shoulders. She holds a little baby girl tightly in her arms.

"I-I just want to-to see why you left me. I want to see if it was worth it." "I don't want you anywhere near my daughter," Yarah snaps angrily. Karkaroff ignores her and walks towards them. "Hello little one... what are you beautiful. I can see your beauty comes from your mother, she is just as beautiful as you."

Yarah pulls the child more against her chest in a try to protect her from Karkaroff. He notices it and sinks to his knees in front of her, begging her: "Please Yarah, you know you belong with me." "I only belong with my family," Yarah replies sternly.

Then, something changes in Karkaroff's behaviour and body language. He seems dangerous, completely mad. "If I can't get you, no one can. Not even your perfect baby-maker 'Dark Lord'," Karkaroff snaps at them. He pulls out a gun, putting it on her fore head.

"Karkaroff, stop this," Aiden Greengrass remarks angrily. He ignores him and says: "You could have had me, someone who truly loves you. But instead you chose your damn Lord and damn child." He pulls over the trigger, leaving a gape in Yarah's head with a bullet shining inside the bone of her skull. Blood streams down her face, leaking inside her wide-open eyes.

Karkaroff seems to realize what he had just done. He let the pistol slip out of his hand and he runs away, leaving a broken Mr Greengrass alone with the dead corpse of his sister. "Yarah-Yarah, Good Merlin, what did he did to you? Yarah! YARAH!" He looks at the body he was hugging.

She still holds the baby protectively, as if keeping the baby safe was the most important thing. The baby opens her eyes and cries. He pulls the baby out of her hands, holding it and trying to calm it down. "Shhh, silence Hermione."He looks at the body and at the little baby in his arms, covered in blood.

"How can I ever tell this to the Dark Lord," he mutters, staring at the catastrophe around him.

-- End of Flashback --

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