Hermione is changing

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George's P.O.V

"Don't you all see something is wrong with her?! She won't talk with us anymore and is only hanging around those snakes," I scream. I slowly become mad, I swear! We didn't understand anything about her recent behaviour and she wouldn't explain one bit of it. Even Ginny became more silent without her best friend!

Ginny is the only one who has a bit of contact with her from Gryffindor, I just now realize. She was changing, a lot. "We have to say this to someone, maybe a teacher," Harry states. "Yes, let's do it now. Professor McGonagall maybe? I mean, she is the Head of Gryffindor house," says my brother Fred.

We all nod and walk to the Tranfiguration classroom. Professor McGonagall sits at her desk, reading over some essays. "Hello, what can I help you with," she asks when we walked in. 

"Professor, Hermione is changing.. a lot. She won't talk to us and only hangs around those Slytherin students." "And when she disappeared from the Forest after the Quidditch World Cup, she cried in her room, saying.... uhmm.. what did she say again George," asks Fred, looking at me.

"Something like: 'Why? Why his daughter', something like that," I add. "Mmm, curious case.. maybe we should inform professor Dumbledore about this matter," she mutters.

"Follow me boys and girl," she says, standing up from her seat. She leads us through the corridors of Hogwarts to the Headmaster's Office. "Minerva, students! Why do I have the honour of meeting you all in my office in the afternoon," asks professor Dumbledore with a smile when we entered.

"These children are worrying about Miss Granger, maybe they can help with our investigation?" "Thank you Minerva, if you want you can stay." "Of course I'll stay," she say sternly, as if it was a ridiculous question to ask. Dumbledore smiles at her and then looks at us: "So, what do you want to say about Miss Granger?"

We begin to rattle about everything we know since her disappearing from the Quidditch World Cup until today. He sometimes nods, glances shortly at McGonagall or strokes his chin.

"Aha, I understand. So with her recent behaviour, you are worrying about her? Well, you are not the only ones. We as teachers are worrying about her too because of how she behaves lately. She doesn't answer questions in the class anymore  and you can only find her with the Slytherin students. Let's see what is going on there, shall we?"

Before we can ask what he meant with that, Dumbledore uses his wand with a flick. A crystal globe on his desk begins to shine, showing Hermione talking with the Slytherin students she calls 'Friends.'

Hermione's P.O.V

"Boys, I am tired of studying," I say in boredom. "Is something wrong Hermione," asks Draco with worry in his grey eyes. I sigh deeply, staring around at my friends. Then I quickly glance around before moving closer to them, whispering. 

"I am still thinking about him," I whisper. I knew they would know who I meant. "You shouldn't worry anymore 'Mione, it is over," says Blaise while squeezing my hand. I nod at him.

"I still can't forget. This is eating me up inside, while I was so confident it was the right thing." "It is the right thing Hermione," says Goyle. I smile slightly at him. "So, next vacation at my home again," Draco asks, trying to go to another subject.

"Yes, I want to see dad again," I mutter. "You'll see him soon enough Hermione, and otherwise he will definately send you a letter." "Oh, he already did. You know, the usual parenting-talk. 'How are you holding up?', 'What are your school grades', that kind of stuff."

"Well, that's nice, isn't it,"asks Crabbe. I sigh. I just want to see him in real life. "He mentioned something about Umbridge. About some Quill that let you write things down in your own blood. It sounds cruel," I say.

"Wow, that is indeed very cruel," Draco says. "Can we stop talking about Umbridge, my father and everything? I am not in the mood." "We understand 'Mione," Draco whispers softly, kissing my hand.

It was nothing like a relationship or anything, more like close friendship. I grab my books, pack in and walk out. "She is changing, isn't she," whispers Blaise. "Yes, she is. And I have no idea if it is a good changing or a bad one," Draco sighs. He rubs through his platinum blonde hair in worry.

"She is becoming reckless," mutters Crabbe. "More then only reckless Crabbe, she is becoming dangerous," says Draco with a serious tone in his voice.

George's P.O.V

I predicted it! I already thought one year ago this situation might be dangerous! "How will we help her, professors," asks Harry.

"I don't think we can help her. She has to come herself for help, we can't force her." "BUT SHE WILL NEVER SAY SHE NEEDS HELP," Ron screams in anger.

"Then we have no other choice then waiting for her to come around, Mr Weasley," says Dumbledore gloomily. He didn't like this either, I think.

No one liked this situation.

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