The attack on Hogwarts

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The day has come, I think. Draco was nervous the whole day. I tried to support him but quickly I noticed he rather wanted to be alone. I respected that and left him alone for the morning and afternoon. After the dinner I warned Draco that Harry and Dumbledore were off to somewhere Harry didn't want to tell me where.

He had nodded and we walked to the Room of Requirement. Draco stepped into the Vanishing cabinet, leaving Hogwarts behind him. I wished him in my thoughts good luck. Not very long later, he came back with Fenrir Greyback, Bellatrix Lestrange and brother and sister Carrow.

He took me into his arms: he is shaking. I rubbed over his back in an attempt to comfort him a bit. "Soon it is all over Draco, don't you worry." "Hermione.. I'm afraid I can't do it, I'm afraid I can't kill Dumbledore." "You can Draco. You are strong, smart, good and amazing. Remember love: forever and-" "Always," he answered me.

I sit down in the Gryffindor common room, trying to be calm and unsuspicious. I talk with Ginny, Neville and Ron as if nothing was going to happen within an hour. The Fat Lady screams to us that the castle is invaded by Death Eaters and that we need to help the Order.

I jump up with the rest and run outside. It is almost happening, I hope Draco is okay, I think. Death Eaters try to hex and jinx us. Well, everyone except me. They do deliberately incorrect by me, trying to not harm. I have the slightest idea my dad will be looking through me right now, but I am not really sure.

I 'fight' every Death Eater but I see they are heading for the stairs. Not long later Snape runs upstairs aswell. We still fight and I got cut in my arm. Draco and the others runs down with Snape on their heels and Harry on Snape's heels. I run after them, I want to make sure Harry doesn't attack my love.

By Hagrid's cabin they stop. Bellatrix sets the cabin on fire and Snape complains against her. I try to reach them but Harry is there earlier. He tries to fight Snape. In the time he fights with him, I reach Draco.

He cries and I take him in my arms. Snape works Harry down to the ground. Harry cries and yells when he sees me: "YOU ARE WITH THEM HERMIONE? YOU BETRAYED US! YOU BETRAYED ME! HOW COULD YOU?" "Don't speak to our Dark Lady, you pathetic fool, you filthy halfblood," Bellatrix snaps angrily.

Harry looks confused: "Da-Dark Lady? What do they mean Hermione?" "Sorry for betraying you Harry," I whisper to him while sitting down on my knees next to his Petrified body. I shove my hair out of my neck and let him see my Dark Mark.

He gasped: "I was right... it was a Dark Mark!" "Yes it was Harry. I am sorry, I just want my family to be happy." I stand up, walking to Draco and hugging him. We look at Harry's body in the grass. "Let's get away from here before someone catches us." "I only get my orders from the Dark Lord or the Dark Lady, Severus," Mr Carrow growls, looking at Hermione.

"Let's get away from here as soon as we can. But before that, shouldn't we Obliviate Harry first?" "Everyone already knows about you, Hermione, it has no added value to Obliviate him," Snape remarks. "Don't call her 'Hermione', you-you.. you disobeying prat," Bellatrix yells angrily.

"Ignore it Bellatrix, it doesn't really matter. Just.. go.. all of us. YOU AS WELL GREYBACK." Greyback tries to go back to Hogwarts, probably to eat some children. Greyback sighs, most likely sad he can't have a tasty dessert. We Apparate, leaving a confused Harry behind on the grass.

Hermione Riddle, the Dark LadyWhere stories live. Discover now