The murderer is murdered

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The third task was going right now. I sit next to Ron but he is so obsessed with what is happening in the Maze that I can easily sneak away. I sit behind Draco and tap on his shoulder. He looks up and sees me.

I nod at Karkaroff, standing on his own. Easy to get now, I mouthe. He nods and stands up. We sneak away and stand on a place where no one can see us. "Do you have the gun," I whisper. He nods and shows a case to me. I open it and grab the gun inside of it. I am weighing it in my hand. 

"Perfect, good work Draco," I whisper. I put it back and he smiles. "Thank you," he whispers with a smile. I grab my wand out of my back pocket. I charm Karkaroff. "Walk towards us," I whisper and he does as I say.

I grab him by his arm and Draco grabs his other arm. But on that moment, something weird happens. We both got pulled into Apparation, but none of us could do that. We stand in the forest by Riddle Manor.

 Lord Voldemort says: "Kill the spare." Wormtail gets his wand, screaming the Killing curse. I can't close my eyes when Cedric Diggory dies. Harry gets pinned up to the grave of Tom Riddle Senior. Then, everything goes really fast: Wormtail cutting his hand of, the bone that flies out of the grave and finally, Wormtail who cuts Harry's arm to get his blood. He does it in the cauldron and throws the deformed, ugly baby in black robes in that big cauldron. He flies out of the cauldron and a body forms. He's back. Lord Voldemort is back.  

We stand there when we see him in his full body. Draco squeezes my hand. I put a spell on Karkaroff so he is tied up to a nearby tree. We see some Death Eaters appearing. Draco's father is with them. Then.. everything went very fast.

The releasing of Harry, the duel, the Portkey and him taking Cedric's body with him. "I know you two are watching," says Lord Voldemort calmly, "Hermione, Draco, come here please." We look at each other but decide to go towards them.

We walk hand in hand to the circle of Death Eaters. "Who do you have there Hermione," my father asked, nodding at the Forest. "The one responsible for killing my mother."

"WHAT," he screams. "It was Karkaroff, wasn't it dad?" He sighs, nodding. "IT WAS KARKAROFF," I scream. "You are right, it was Karkaroff," says my dad, sighing deeply. I pull out my wand and whip with it. Karkaroff flies towards us, still tied up and with his head down.

"Draco, give me the gun," I say commandingly. He mumbles 'Accio' and gives me the case with the pistol. I open it and get the pistol. "Isn't that the device he used against Yarah," mutters Mr. Greengrass. Of course he would ask that. Yarah was his sister, I discovered. I sigh and walk towards Karkaroff.

I stand there, just the pistol, me and my victim. I set the pistol on his head. He deserves to die, Hermione. He killed her. He killed her. I have my slender finger on the trigger. I look the man who did this to her in the eye. "I am the last one who you are ever going to see. Do you want to say anything before I put a bullet in your head?" "Yes," says the man, smiling evilly, "that I am glad now I killed that dumb bitch, and that I am sad that I didn't kill you to when I had the chance." I pull over the trigger. Blood streams out of his head and he falls down on the ground. The bullet shines in his head in the moonlight. He is dead. 

Finally, this chapter from my life is over. But Draco and I need to get back. My dad let the pistol disappear, so there was no trace left towards us. He hugs me, kisses me on my forehead and waves us goodbye. I grab Draco's hand and he let us Disapparate.

We stand there with the mourning people, sad about Cedric's dead. Draco and I stand in the shadows, watching. Draco puts an arm around my shoulders. "It is over Hermione, the murderer is murdered. Don't worry anymore, it's over." "I know, and I feel no remorse. Maybe that is what is bad," I mumble, my head leaning on his broad shoulder. 

Hermione Riddle, the Dark LadyWhere stories live. Discover now