Unconsciousness and a talk for Draco

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Hermione's P.O.V

I stand in the Entrance Hall of Malfoy Manor with Mr Malfoy. He sighs in delight. "Merlin, that was close! Are you alright Hermione?"

I shake uncontrollably, with wide open eyes. I'm spacing, like I'm on drugs or something "Hermione? Hermione! HERMIONE!" I hear some footsteps coming closer in quick pace, before everything turns black.

Draco's P.O.V

"What is wrong dad," I ask while walking in nearly a run-pace into the hall. I see Hermione falling down, with closed eyes. I run towards her with Blaise, Goyle and Crabbe on my heels. Before she hits the ground I'm able to catch her.

"DAD, DAD WHAT HAPPENED TO HER," I yell at father. I am confused, frustrated, scared and angry. "We only went to visit Mr Weasley. Bill Weasley began shouting and Hermione became very angry. More angry then I have ever seen her before," my father says.

I sit next to her, brushing a lock of hair out of her face. "I'll bring her to her room, maybe she can rest and everything will be fine," I suggest hopelessly. We don't know what happened to her, so we don't know what to do about it.

I pick her up and in bridal style I bring her to the guest room she owns. Blaise, Goyle and Crabbe follow me and when I lay Hermione in her bed. We mumble our speculations about what is going on to each other.

"Maybe it has something to do with being in the hospital," Goyle suggests. "Don't be stupid Goyle, that can not be it. I think it has something to do with her being insanely angry," Blaise says. "I think it is like that, maybe the Dark Lord knows," I mutter, not looking away from her.

I am really worried about her. She is my best friend, and I know her for only such a little time. Only 1 and a half year, and before that we hated each other!

My mother walks in with the Dark Lord. "Boys, please leave." "But Mrs Malfoy-" "No, Blaise," she snaps. "Narcissa, your son can stay. The rest of the boys can go," the Dark Lord commands. She looks shocked but nod. She walks out with the other boys, I can hear them complaining in the corridor.

The Dark Lord walks to Hermione's bed, to the left side. I stand on the right side and look from Hermione to him and back. "You are her best friend, aren't you?" "I-I suppose so, my Lord." He looks me in the eyes.

"You know she loves you deeply, don't you?" Wait, she did? He sees my confusion and smiles slightly. "Why do you think she chose you to kill Karkaroff with? Why do you think she hangs so much around with you? She likes you very much, just as your friends."

I smile slightly, I couldn't hold it in. She likes me, as a friend of course, but she likes me. Maybe she likes me the most of all her Slytherin friends. "Do you know what happened, Draco?" I tell him everything my father told me.

"Hmm, how curious. I think her power is growing very strong, even more when she is upset and angry like that. Maybe that is why she is now in a state like this. Her body couldn't control the power, her body wanted to let the power out, but you can't do such a thing in the presence of your friends you don't want to hurt so she held it inside of her. Her body couldn't handle such power and chose to let her go unconscious. I think she'll wake up when her power sank to a controlable level. Thank you for telling me Draco, I really appreciate it."

"I am grateful I could help my Lord and my Lady," I say. "She may be the Dark Lady, for you and your friends she will always be Hermione," he says and he walks out. I sit next to Hermione's bed, holding her hand. "Please Hermione, please wake up. Control your power. I really don't like it that you are in a state like this."

I sigh and want to walk out. I think of something and in an impulse I walk to Hermione and press my lips against hers.

WHY DO YOU DO THAT DRACO, my inner voice yells at me in full anger. I couldn't stop the desire, I knew the answer was.

But when I lean back from the kiss, her eyes opened. Did that kiss work for her somehow? "That was pretty nice," she says, with a big smile and twinkling eyes.

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