Krum and a letter

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That night I didn't eat much. I was tired, scared and unsure. Dumbledore announces the Triwizard Tournament and I look at the Slytherin boys who I sat on the train with earlier this day. They look back at me, nodding.

I nod back and try to focus on Dumbledore. It was less difficult when Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are coming in. They gave a whole show! The two boys were gaping at the Beauxbatons-ladies. Typical, boys.

I stand up and walk to the library, the place that would never change and would be n safe heaven. When I sit there a couple of hours, that teenager from Durmstrang walks in. With a heavy Bulgarian accent, he says to me:"Who are you?"

"I'm Hermione Granger, and who are you supposed to be?" The teen laughs. "You don't know who I am, surprisingly." "Am I supposed to know you or something?" "I'm Viktor Krum." "You are a Bulgarian Quidditch player, aren't you? I heard my friends talking about you, but I don't really care for Quidditch."

He laughs even more. "They call me sometimes the best Seeker from this time." I only look at him. "I like it that you don't know my Quidditch history. It makes me feel like I am just a normal student talking with another normal student from my school." "I thought they didn't let girls in your school?" "It was hypothetical."

I open my book and read further. "In which year are you," Krum asks. "I'm a fourth year. You are probably here to enter the Triwizard Tournament, aren't you?" "Yes, I am," Krum replies proudly. Should I warn him for the extra dangers this Tournament would have, with Voldemort planning something? I decided not to. He wanted to enter the Tournament so badly? Then all those people without more than one brain cell could harm themselves.

That night when I went to my bed, an owl flies in dropping a letter on my pillow. I walk to my pillow, taking the letter and breaking the seal. It was signed with the Dark Lord, Voldemort. He asked me how I was doing! And if I heard from the Tournament and that he had heard Draco, Blaise, Goyle and Crabbe had talked to me and that I transformed when I went angry.

Bloody traitors, is treason heritable or something? But what to do know? Going to Dumbledore? Writing back? I choose the second option, weirdly. It was like writing to a real parent. What am I talking about, he is definitely not a real parent.

Yes he is, he is your parent, an irritating voice in my brain says. But the voice was true, he is my parent. My father. My protector from boyfriends and that kind of stuff. But should I see him like that? I don't know.

I hear footsteps and stuff quickly the letter into my pillow, so no one would find it. No one was ready to know yet, except for those Slytherin boys. The only ones who know my secret.. the only ones I can trust and lay down on. Definately not much worthy. But they are the only ones I have, so I think I need to trust them then.

It would be hard, but not impossible.

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