Department of Mysteries

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I run with Luna, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Neville through the corridors of the Department of Mysteries. I had been told that I should run with them, but don't search for anything.

"Harry, this one has your name on it," Neville says. Damn, had they found it? I had done my job badly then. I had to keep them from finding it. Oh Lucius, come now please. Harry holds the prophecy in his hand, looking at it.

Luckily, Lucius appears with Bellatrix and some Death Eaters who have a mask on. Harry sees them and looks at Lucius. Lucius says something I can't really hear but Harry gives us the sign to get our wands. I can't hold back, it would look odd if I did. I take out my wand, pointing it to some Death Eaters.

Oh no, I recognize them. Crabbe and Goyle's fathers. They sign it is okay, almost unrecognizable. I nod slightly and cast a spell on them, on the same moment with the others. We run away, firing spells to the Death Eaters who are running after us.

After some time we end up at the room with the big, stone bow. I look around at my friends. Then, everything went dark around us. I got scared and try to fight off the dark clouds what attacked us. I got grabbed by Rodolphus.

"Don't worry Dark Lady, I won't hurt you. Just play the game," he whispers in my ear while holding me. I look around, seeing all my other friends held by Death Eaters, except for Harry. He stands before the stone bow with Lucius. Lucius tries to convince him to give him the prophecy.

"He won't give it, he has to much pride," I whisper at Rodolphus. "You can always try, can't you," he whispers back while smirking. "Let me go," I hear Ron saying, trying to get away from the man who holds him. "No chance," I whisper. Rodolphus nods.

Oh god, no.. no no no.. Lucius let the prophecy fall out of his hands. When he stands up, Sirius Black punches him down. "Get yourself to safety, now," Rodolphus whispers softly, letting me go and grabbing his stomach like I punched him.

I run away, casting a spell deliberately at his feet instead of his body. I duck behind a rock, where I met with Luna and Ron. "Hermione, Hermione, are you okay?" "Ye-yes.. I-I am fine. How about you all? Is Harry okay?" "I think so, he is fighting with Sirius against Bellatrix and Lucius.."

Just when he said it, I heard someone screaming "Avada Kedavra". It was Bellatrix, I instantly heard. It went in a flash; hearing Harry cry, seeing him trying to get after Bellatrix but Lupin holding him. But Harry can get away and runs after Bellatrix. Tonks runs to us, saying with a worried voice: "Is everyone alright? Hermione, you have a cut on your cheek. Let us fix that."

Rodolphus had made that cut deliberately, so I looked like I fought hard. She heals it and we run after Harry. Merlin, dad, what did you do, I think when I see Harry posessed, with those weird green eyes. I look at him.

"Don't come any closer, he might hurt you," Lupin whispers at us. I nod and hold Ron and Ginny's hand. "This is so hard to watch, it is like torture," Neville whispers, hurt. He was right, it is hard to watch. And I realize my dad does this to him.

I wipe a tear away and Ron puts an arm around my shoulder. I shake him off and walk away. Someone follows me, I hear. "Hermione, is everything okay," Tonks asks. I sigh and nod with tears in my eyes. "Ye-yeah I am good. It is just... awful to see him this way." "I know Hermione, but everything will be okay with him."

On that moment precisely, Lupin walks in. "It is over, Harry is okay and Dumbledore is with him. The Ministry has arrived and Fudge saw You-Know-Who disappear. He looked mad." Oh Merlin, dad had come back again? He is probably mad because I wasn't there. He is probably worried! I should go and find him, or a Death Eater who can tell him I'm okay.

I say to them I want to be alone and when they lefy, I tried something I didn't know if it would work. I press on the Dark Mark in my neck. Please work, I think. Please tell him I am alright, that I am still alive and not wounded

Hermione Riddle, the Dark LadyWhere stories live. Discover now