Coming closer, but they don't know it yet

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Fred's P.O.V

"Why do you think that Albus," asks McGonagall with shock in her tone and facial expression. Se continued: "He was killed on the Muggle way. No Death Eater knows anything about that."

"But everyone knows he murdered Yarah Greengrass, a very loyal Death Eater. He killed her in the Muggle way. Maybe this is some sign to him... and us," Dumbledore explains calmly. "But why would Hermione's father be linked with this," I ask.

"Because I think Hermione's father is a Death Eater."

"That actually makes kind of sense," Ginny mumbles. When we look at her with confused expressions, she explains: "think of it, that can be the reason why she talks with Slytherins and not with Gryffindors anymore. That explains why she had disappeared by the Quidditch World Cup. She didn't have to hide, because her 'family' wouldn't have hurt her. That explains why she knew about the escaping of the prisoners from Azkaban. That is a reason why those Slytherins maybe accepted her."

I couldn't believe it. "She-she can't be a Death Eater... can she?" "She haves the Dark Mark in her neck," Harry mutters, "didn't you see that? Or, it looked like it was the Dark Mark." "You are right Harry, I actually forgot about that," Dumbledore adds.

"But we aren't sure," McGonagall says sternly. "Yes Minerva, we aren't sure, but we are on the way to the discovery of Miss Granger's secret."

Hermione's P.O.V

I walk with my friends to the next lesson, Charms. I sit down next to Blaise, looking at Professor Flitwick's explaining of an new spell. I was, as normally, pretty good in it. The door from the classroom opens and I turn around.

"Why are Potty and the Weasels late," asks Blaise in a whisper tone. "I told you to not call them Potty and Weasel and I don't know why they're late," I hiss back. He shrugs and tries his spell again.

I try to ignore my curiosity about their absence. I felt their glances in my back, making me feel uncomfortable. Why did they keep looking at me? "Miss Granger, can you give us an example of this charm please," asks Professor Flitwick.

I stroke my sleeves up and hold my wand. I speak the spell with clear articulation, causing a vase to break and releasing the water it had inside of it. "Well done Miss Granger, 10 points to Gryffindor," he announces proudly. I was his protege and he really liked me.

I nod with a smile and the rest of the students had homework: practising this spell. "It is not fair, he just likes you too much," Goyle mutters offended when we leave the classroom. "I'll help you with practising, my lovely, dumb Slytherin-friends," I say with a sweet voice, laughing. Draco hugs me tightly.

"I am forever thankful," he yells in the corridor full of students we were walking in. He even pecks me on my cheek. I blush wildly while he has his arm around my shoulder.

I saw in the corner of my eye Ron looking with jealously at us hugging and being close. What was his problem? Draco is only a friend and I am not Ron's property! "Is something wrong Hermione," Blaise asks, cutting off my stream of thoughts.

"Ron is staring at us," I mumble, softly pushing Draco a little away from me. "Why do you care what Weaselbee thinks," Crabbe asks. "Because he would probably complain by the rest of the Weasleys and Harry, and I want to still live tomorrow." They laugh and we walk further.

Ron's P.O.V

She is laughing with them. She was hugging them. There is definately something going on here. Maybe Ginny was right, with her father being a Death Eater. But why does she act like she is one of them? She is our friend, she isn't a filthy Death Eater!

I walk over to my brothers, my sister and my best friend Harry. "SHE JUST HUGGED THE FERRET! HE PECKED HER CHEEK," I yell angrily at them. "Hermione?" "YES, SHE DID! WHO ELSE HARRY?" "Ron, relax a bit please," Ginny sighs while putting her finger in her ear.

"I AM NOT RELAXING, HE TAKES MY LOVE INTEREST AWAY," I yell even more and louder. I love Hermione, and that stupid pureblood-proud Ferret takes her away from me. "SHE IS NOT YOURS RON, JUST ACCEPT IT," my sister yells at me. I stand there frozen. Why does she act like that? I explode at her


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