Quidditch match and anger

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Hermione's P.O.V

"Ginny, what is wrong," I ask when I see her stamping off from her brothers and Harry to sit down next to me, angrily. "Ronald thinks you are his property and you can't hug other people," she says. So I was right, as usual.

"Ronald can think that, but it isn't true and I am not planning on doing everything he wants me to do and not do." "Good. By the way, how are your friends doing?" "Oh, great. They are complaining about Charms-homework but they always do that when they got homework.. for any class, really." 

"Haha, really?" "Yes, and I don't lie." We laugh and then Ron, Harry, Fred and George walk up to us. "Hey Harry, how is it going with Umbridge," I ask him. "Not great, but thank you for asking."

"Tomorrow is Quidditch, isn't it? Gryffindor against Slytherin?" "Yes it is. Are you supporting Slytherin or Gryffindor," Ron snaps at me. I look wronged at him. "Why do you ask? Gryffindor of course!"

"Oh really? I guess you are not our friend anymore then," a voice behind me said. Blaise hugs me from behind and whispers in my ear:"We know you only said it to satisfy those Gryffindorks of yours."

I slap him against his arm, hissing: "They are not Gryffindorks!" He laughs, kissing me on my cheek: "See you tomorrow at the Quidditch pitch, I guess. Bye Gryffindorks!" He walks away when I yell after him: "WE ARE NOT GRYFFINDORKS BLAISE." "Of course you are," Blaise yells back and then I can't see him anymore. "Merlin's beard," I mumble.

Next day, at the Quidditch pitch after the duel. Slytherin had lost and they let that know...

George tries to attack Draco after he said something about Mrs Weasley. Fred is held back by the three Chasers from Gryffindor. When Draco says something about Harry, Harry doesn't hold George back anymore and attacks the Slytherin team himself.

"Stupid fools," I mutter. Madam Hooch comes down and yells against the Gryffindor team. When the Gryffindor Team leaves the Quidditch pitch I walk down to my Slytherin friends in their tent. 

"Was insulting their mothers really necessary Draco," I snap at him with anger written all over my face. "Yes, it was. It felt really good," he replies as he wipes the blood from under his nose away. I scrunch my nose at the sight, sigh, grab my wand and fix his nose.

"The second time you had a broken nose? How many do you want," I ask. I help the other Slytherins also with woundings from the fight. They all thank me and complain about Gryffindor. I don't even listen, because I know it is not true. They were only desposing of their anger of losing.

"So, everyone done complaining," I ask when a silence fell. They see that I am frustrated so they nod quickly. "Great, because now my friends are in great trouble because of your stupid behaviour," I yell while standing up and walking out of the tent. 

Not soon later. Harry, Fred and George come back with terrible news.

"We have a life-ban of Quidditch and our brooms are taken," George says sadly. "But why would McGonagall do this," asks Ginny. "It was Umbridge who came with the plan," snaps Fred angrily. 

"But you didn't even do anything," Ron yells. "That was only because the Chasers held me back, otherwise Draco Malfoy wouldn't have a face anymore," Fred mumbles lowly. "Now we talk about Slytherins, Hermione, how are your lovely friends doing?"

"IF YOU THINK I APPROVE OF WHAT THEY DID, THEN YOU ARE VERY WRONG! I HAVE SPOKEN TO THEM ABOUT THIS AND I WASN'T VERY HAPPY. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, ASK THEM," I yell at them, pointing at the Slytherins who just entered the Great Hall. They looked scared when they saw me so mad.

Good, now they know you won't want me mad again. Ron saw their faces and nodded. Believing me, I hope. I stand up and walk out. In the corridor I am apprehended by Blaise, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hermione, please, we are sorry. Forgive us please," Draco asks with a sad tone in his voice. I look angrily at them and they bow their heads in sadness. I can't stay mad at them forever, can I? "I forgive you. But, if something like this happens again, I will not doubt to dump you as trash, okay?"

"Totally clear Hermione," Crabbe says, saluting. Then, we do a groupshug. I missed them this afternoon. Strange, how you can miss people after not seeing them for only a short time. More strange, when you realize these people were my enemies in my earlier years.

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