Cassiopeia Yarah Merope Malfoy

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"Why do you ask me, I'm not the Minister of Magic anymore," I sneer at the Death Eater. To be honest, I was shocked that I was apprehended with this quite shocking news. Since the Battle of Hogwarts Charlie was able to stay out of our hands, together with his brother Percy. I was surprised we were able to catch at least one of them.

"We know, my Lady, but you are our true leader, so we ask you." "If I gave you my permission, I would undermine the new Minister of Magic, something I don't want!" "We will go to him then," the Death Eater replies, turning around and leaving the house with Apparation. I shut the door and walk back to Draco.

"Who was that love?" "Some Death Eaters. They finally captured Charlie Weasley but to avoid any people protesting against his capture they want him to get the Kiss, but they seem to have forgotten I'm not longer in charge for that. By the way, the Minister will probably say yes if it is so urgent," I say while sitting down on the couch.

I rub my baby bump and smile at Draco. "You know, for some reason I hope it is a girl." "Why is that so?" "Because then I can say Blaise's guts are wrong and can I bully him with that," I reply with a smirk plastered on my face. Draco walks towards me with the same smile, kissing me passionately.

In the approximately nine months later everything went in a rush: our wedding, the announcing of Crabbe and Daphne's wedding, the announcing of Evie and Blaise's baby and the birth of our own.

After hours of pushing, breathing and screaming I heard some soft crying. Draco squeezes my hand in excitement and support and he mutters soft words in my ear. The Healer holds our little child before our eyes and lays it down on my chest.

"Congratulations, it is a girl," the Healer announces. Draco and I look at each other. We had decided before that if our child was to be a girl, we would call her Cassiopeia. She turns to Draco, smiling at him. "Do you want to cut the navel cord?" Draco nods and grabs his wand, mumbling a spell. Typically wizard-thing by a birth, Narcissa told me before when I asked her how the birthing process worked in the Wizarding World.

"I think I have the right to bully Blaise right now, don't I," I ask Draco with a mischievious smile on my face. He grins and walks out of the room. Not much time later he comes back with Blaise, Evie, Lucius and Narcissa. "Blaise, what is it, you think," I ask in an innocent voice. It was really convincing.

"It is a boy, I'm sure of it," Blaise replies proudly, fully confident and certainly not noticing that I played with him. "Sure of it? How?" "I feel it in my guts and my guts are never wrong, Hermione." "Then.. I fear your guts are wrong here. This is Cassiopeia Malfoy, our daughter," I tell him with a smirk on my face, with the word 'daughter' looking at Blaise. He became three shades paler at it and looked ashamed.

"Better luck by your own child Blaise," Draco jokes, slapping him playfully against his friend's arm. We all laugh and then it comes: the admiring and adoring of our little Cassiopeia. "She is so cute, look at her soft skin though! Look at her beautiful grey eyes! Has she brown hair or something?"

 I can't get enough of my daughter. I recognise some of my own features, which are also from my father. I was glad she looks a little bit like him.

Not much later it appears in all the newspapers: "Dark Lady has given birth to a healthy, young baby girl: Cassiopeia Yarah Merope Malfoy." All the names had a meaning: Yarah was to my mother and Merope was for my grandmother. Draco didn't even mind that her middle names were to my family instead of his, like usual in the Malfoy family.

Draco presses a kiss on my head when we watch our little Cassie sleeping in her crib. "She is just as beautiful as you," he whispers into my ear, spreading his warm breath over my earshell. I smile and look at our child again. "Glad you think I'm beautiful, but no one can look as beautiful as she is."

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