Epilogue/End of story

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"Cassiopeia, grab your stuff and search for a compartment already," I sigh with crossed arms before my chest. Draco presses a kiss on the side of my head and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes mum," Cassie sighs, grabbing her trunk and walking to the train. Not much later she comes out again and hugs us. "Goodbye mum, goodbye dad," she mutters softly. She sounded emotional. Not very weird: she will go to a new school and has to begin her own life, far away from her parents and family.

"You will be fine honey," I whisper. She smiles and walks off, sometimes turning around to wave. "She will be fine my love," Draco whispers reassuringly into my ear. I nod when I suddenly realize something, something very important.

"Draco, where are Thom and Mark?" He quickly looks around and shrugs. "What are we standing here then? Find them," I yell, beginning to walk off. On that moment the two walk towards us, smiling widely. "THOMAS LUCIUS AND MARCUS BLAISE MALFOY, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN," I yell. Draco walks towards me with Scorpius on his arm.

"Relax mum, we were just looking for some fun while you were saying bye to Cassie," Thom says, his smiling fading like snow in the desert. "FUN? MY ARSE! IF YOU EVER WALK AWAY WITHOUT MENTIONING IT TO US, I WILL GIVE YOU PUNISHMENT! AND DON'T MAKE SUCH A FACE THOMAS," I yell, my face turning red.

Draco places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it. "Hermione, this isn't the past. They aren't in danger because they are the Dark Lord's grandchildren anymore. I know you are scared, and you are right to be it, but they are just kids."

"I guess you're right. Thomas, Marcus? Don't ever walk away again, promise?" "Promise, mum," they answer in choir. "Yeah, yeah, it is allright," I sigh, a slight smile appearing on my face. We wave Cassiopeia goodbye and walk off the Platform before we got held back.

"My Lady, do you have a moment," a Death Eater from the Ministry asks, appearing from the shadows. "Yes, what's wrong," I ask while I lift Scorpius higher up my hip. "As the Dark Lady we need your permission to.. take up someone."

"Take up of who?" "Rose Weasley." I knew what this Death Eater was talking about. She won't go to Azkaban but she will go to a special 'orphanage' for children of old members of the Order of the Phoenix. This was so the Ministry could control those kids and teach them the right things. Preventing an uprising against them.

"Of course. I give you my permission, do you have a quill, ink and a piece of parchment?" He hands the asked objects to me and I write down my sign. It was my name but the last 'E' ended up in a Dark Mark, which actually moved around.

"Thank you, my Lady, I will no longer disturb you. Have a nice day." "Good day," I reply, walking off with my family. When we arrive at home I put Scorpius in his room to play and watch Draco teaching Quidditch to Thomas and Marcus.

His little students, I think with a smile resting on my lips. "MUMMY, LOOK AT ME GO," Marcus yells when he flies three somersaults in the air in his hunt for the Snitch. When he catches it I applause.

An owl flies by and lands on Draco's Thunderbolt 2. "IT IS FROM CASSIOPEIA," he yells down to me. He flies down and we read the letter together. 

Dear mum and dad,

It is awesome at Hogwarts! I am sorted into Slytherin, together with Zax Zabini, Adam Goyle and Genevieve Crabbe. I really miss you, hand over my greetings to Thom, Mark and Scorp please! By the way, I am doing really good here. Miss you, love you

Yours Sincerely,

Cassiopeia Yarah Merope Malfoy

"SHE'S A SLYTHERIN," Draco yells with a smile and he hugs me, spinning me around in the air. I laugh at his behaviour. He always wanted one of his children to be a Slytherin. I simply didn't care in which House my children were, but I was happy for Cassiopeia to be in the House she wanted to be in the most and with her best friends.

"Nice, I want to be in Slytherin as well," Thom states proudly, his chest a little out. "My little boy, if you have potency for Slytherin you will be one, don't you worry," I say, rubbing through his hair.

Thom and Mark were twins with both blonde hair and brown eyes. Cassiopeia had grown into a beautiful young lady with long, brown curls(only a lot less fuzzy than mine had been at her age) and grey/blue eyes. Scorpius is just a miniature version of Draco, honestly!

Scorpius was now 6 years old, Thomas and Mark were 9 and Cassiopeia was of course 11. "I love our little family," I whisper in Draco's ear. "You know Hermione, I love it too," he whispers back, kissing my neck.

"EWW, GET A ROOM," Mark yells, covering his eyes with his hands. We laugh and Mark and Thom run inside to wash the dirt of playing Quidditch off them. "You know.. I still miss my father," I say softly to Draco, resting my head on his chest. "You will always miss him Hermione, but you have him inside yourself and you have Slytherin's Locket. And our children, of course."

"Are they now the Heirs of Slytherin, you think?" "I suppose so." "I hope arrogance isn't inheritable, otherwise they will get all of yours," I murmur with a smirk. "I hope they don't get arrogance of being the children of the Dark Lady," he says with a chuckle, burying his nose in my hair.

"I hope so Draco, I really do. But I guess this is their begin, isn't it?" "This is their begin yeah. But we are not out of sight sweetheart. Our story will continue, I think." "Of course it will Draco, I mean, we are not old now we have children, are we," I ask him playfully with a wink.

We become silent and watch our garden at Riddle Manor. Yeah, our story had maybe ended for now, but the stories of our children will only continue...

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