Fourth year begins

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The train to Hogwarts, our 4th year, is beginning to ride. But with knowing my real father, what will change? What will he do to have power again? Would I be a part in his plan? I am sure I'll stay on the good side... not working with him and his plans.

I read in my book while the train goes to our 4th year. "Hermione, how are you doing? Do you have nightmares or anything," Harry asks worriedly. "I'M FINE HARRY, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU," I yell at him.

Couldn't he just leave me alone? I stand up angrily and walk through the hall, trying to find an empty, or at least silent, compartment. "Granger, come with us," a voice I unfortuantely recognise says.

Draco Malfoy.

"What do you want Malfoy," I snap at him. I didn't want his company, that's for sure. "Please Granger, sit with us. You will find the peace you wanted. I won't ask any questions about what happened in the forest?" "Of course you won't, you already know what happened there, don't you," I spat at him.

He sighs and opens the compartmentdoor. Crabbe and Goyle were sitting there with another Slytherin I didn't know. "Crabbe and Goyle do you already know, I am not really sure if you know Blaise Zabini," Draco introduces me. Is he trying to be nice? "Who are you and what have you done with Draco Malfoy,"I ask very seriously.

"I am still me, but how are you?" "Ok-okay." "Don't lie to us," Blaise states sternly. "Okay, you want the truth? I feel terrible and ashamed." "Why is that," Draco asks, taking place on the bench next to Blaise. "Why? Do you really have to ask Draco? I am his daughter, in Merlin's name! I am his daughter and I hate it," I yell at them. So, that was out.

Blaise charms the door to not let out any noise. "Listen, Hermione. He wants you back. You were taken from him and he wants you to come back home. By his side, safe. He has big plans for this year. There will happen big things this year, like the Triwizard Tournament." 

"The Triwizard Tournament? I thought that was forbidden," I say in shock. Would Voldemort try to do something at the Tournament? "The Tournament is back again, it will be at Hogwarts. He wants to get Harry Potter, I think." "Isn't that usual? He always wants Harry." "He wants a real body, but Potter always messes it up!" 

"DON'T BLAME HIM!" "I BLAME HIM IF I WANT TO," Blaise yells back at me. I look angry at him and everybody in the compartment looks shocked. "What is wrong with you snakes," I hiss at them.

"You-you look.. pale... and your-your eyes are green.. like our Housecolour green," Draco stutters. I open my book and use a spell to make those two pages like a mirror. They were right, I am pale with green eyes and my hair looks darker!

"What has happened," I yell at them. "Maybe you need to stop yelling and being angry at us, that would help," Draco snaps. I breathe heavily, trying to not be mad at them. I feel a relaxing power through my veins, which calms me down.

"I'm okay.. would... would he really get back?" Blaise answers for me. "Probably.. if his plan works.. he gets back again."

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