They know everything and asking my father for a favour

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Harry's P.O.V

Everything is clear now. Hermione was acting strange since the Quidditch World Cup, the Death Eaters probably took her and forced her to meet Voldemort. Voldemort is Hermione's father. 

That explains what she cried in Ginny's room. We already had the thought her father was a Death Eater, but we didn't knew he was the Dark Lord himself. Voldemort gave Hermione her title of Dark Lady for some reason. I am trying to sort everything out, but then some people run towards me.

"HE'S HERE, HE IS LAYING PETRIFIED ON THE GROUND," Lupin screams at some people I can't see. I still cry over Hermione's betrayal and the death of Dumbledore when they reach me.  "Harry, where is Hermione? We can't find her anywhere inside! Have the Death Eaters taken her," Tonks asks, shaking me. Lupin unPetrifies me and I cry against his chest.

"Hermione... is gone-" "Is she.. dead," Ron asks in a whisper tone. "No, she betrayed us. She is a Death Eater. She probably helped Draco with the preparation for Dumbledore's murder. Hermione is Voldemort's daughter, the Dark Lady."

Everyone looks shocked after my confession. "She can't be his daughter! You-Know-Who has no children! Who is her mother then," Tonk asks with confusion. "Can be any female Death Eater. Every one of them would do their 'Lord' such a great honour," Kingsley mumbles.

Ginny walks towards me, hugging me. "I should have expected it. I should have seen it. She is my best friend, sister-like and I was blind for what was going on with her," she mutters in my ear. 

"What do you mean 'is my best friend'," Ron asks with frustration," you don't mean she is still your friend, do you?" "Well, she-" "SHE IS A TRAITOR, DAUGHTER OF THAT MONSTER THAT WANTS TO KILL US ALL!"

"I KNOW RON, I JUST CAN'T LET OUR HERMIONE GO," Ginny screams with tears falling down. She didn't cry much, almost never, but now.. she seems broken. Hermione broke us all...

 Hermione's P.O.V

We all sit in the Malfoy Manor dinningroom. I sit left from my father with Draco next to me and Lucius opposite me. "The deed is done. Dumbledore is dead and the Order will soon be helpless," father announces.

We toast but soon I am too deep in thought to hear or see anything. Hmph, never thought Dumbledore would die. He seemed so.. strong, powerful.. unbreakable. "Hermione, is everything alright," Draco whispers in my ear. Then, I see everyone was looking at me.

"Huh.. oh. I'm fine, don't worry about me." "Hermione, sweetheart. I heard what happened today," father says. Before he could go on I ask him: "They will probably know it all now, don't they?" "Yes, they probably know everything about you know."

I nod slightly, looking at my dinnerplate. I eat only a bit and when dinner is over I walk as soon as I can to my room. I try to sleep but still lay there, completely sleepless. I will be a mess tomorrow if I can't sleep, I think.

I step out of my bed, walking through the corridors. I knew where my legs were taken me. I knock on the door of a bedroom and someone opens the door. "Hermione, what are you doing up so lately? Shouldn't you be sleeping," the man asks.

"Can I sleep by you tonight?" "Of course my love," Draco says, putting an arm around me and closing the door. I lay down with my head on his chest. He falls asleep quite soon and I let me take to sleep by hearing his heart beat under my ear. He still breathes, he still lives.. you still have him. "Forever," Draco mumbles in my ear before I went into the darkness of sleeping.

Next day I sit at dinner I want to discuss a fact with my dad. I don't know if he can help me with this, I hope he can. "Dad, I want to ask you for an favour." He looks up at me. "What do you want sweetheart?"

I sigh. "I want you to keep someone safe. She lives in the Muggle World, Muggle-London, to be precisely." "Who is this woman dear?" "Her name is Evie Zafierson.""Do you want her to come here or just to be safe?" "I would most appreciate it if she would come here, but she is a Muggle so I don't think that can happen."

"But she knew about you being a witch, doesn't she?" "Yes she does." "Then she can stay here if she wants, can't she?" I hug my father and he hugs me back. "Thank you dad, I love you." "I love you too sweetheart. I am so happy to have you back, to have you love me like the parent I never was for you."

"But now you are my parent. My father. My father who I love." "Thank you sweetheart." "I am the one who should thank you for loving me, protecting me, caring for me, letting me choose my own path." It stays silent for a couple of minutes while we still hug. We didn't need any words anymore. Just our father-daughter connection was enough to prove our love for each other.

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