Seeing a familiar dead face and hunting down my enemies

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"My Lord, I have found the body of the Elf," a Death Eater announces, walking towards us. He signs to put it before my feet. I smile, saying: "Why did I deserve this present father?" "I thought you would like to see his dead body, after all this misery he put you in."

"What misery," Bill Weasley sneers, holding his wife tightly in his arms. I sign my father to not speak and I walk towards them. I stand an inch away from him, smiling evilly. "The misery of losing my child. The first child of me and Draco. He killed it by letting a chandelier fall down and glass shards slicing open my stomach."

I put my wand at his chest. "If any of you tries to hurt my child or my boyfriend ever again, I'll make sure Hell will be beautiful by what I'll do to you," I snap. I walk back to my family. "Now is your last chance to join us, or more people and family will die," father announces.

I see all the Slytherins walking over to their families. I smile and hug my friends who join us. Evie, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Daphne and Astoria join us. "It seems like your army is growing very tiny," dad replies to the Order. 

Then I see movement in Hagrid's arms. Harry jumps out of Hagrid's arms! "DAD, WATCH OUT," I yell, pointing at Harry, who is running away casting spells on Nagini. Why Nagini.. oh damn.. he knew about Nagini being a Horcrux.

"DAD, HE KNOWS ABOUT NAGINI, KEEP HER SAFE," I yell and then I run with my best friends to fight the Order with the others. Blaise, Evie and I fight off Shackebolt and George. I put George out of his misery over Fred by killing him. Shackebolt was first tortured by Blaise and then killed by Evie. Her magical powers had grown very, very strong.

Not a Muggle after all, I think. I need to focus when I run after Ron and Ginny with Evie, Blaise and now Draco on my heels. I yell curses and jinxes, dark ones I learned from the spellbook. 

"DOLORE MORTIS! TORMENTIS MORTEM! NOCERE AD MORTEM! OCCIDENDUM VINDICTAE!" Ginny drops down in an unconscious state and Ron's leg breaks into pieces, which causes him to scream in pain and fall down as well.

"Wow, where did you learn that," Draco asks, definately surprised at my magical powers. "The book dad gave me: 'The Dark Arts in Most Maleficent Ways'." "Nice book, can I burrow it from you sometimes," Evie asks.

We tie Ginny and Ron up and drag them down to the dungeons. We lock up people there who were members of the Order of the Phoenix. Ginny and Ron joined their brother Charlie and Mrs Weasley in one of the dungeon cells. 

"We just need to hunt down Bill, Tonks, Mr Weasley and Lupin now," Blaise says. "You get Tonks, Evie, Blaise, you do Bill. I do Lupin and you, Draco, get Mr Weasley," I command them. They nod and we separate again.

I see Lupin fighting with with Bellatrix and Narcissa. Time to be nasty, I think. I whisper 'Rigescunt Indutae', which causes Lupin to drop down like a frozen statue. I tie him up, smile at Bellatrix and my boyfriend's and drag Lupin downstairs.

I inventory the wounds of my friends as I reach the dungeon. Draco got a cut on his face, just beneath his eye, but had Mr Weasley captured. Evie got Tonks by her bubblegum coloured hair and Blaise stumbles down with Bill. We put them in the cells, taking their wands off and charming the lock with Dark Magic.

"They shouldn't be able to get out now, even if someone with a wand helps them," I ensure my friends. I felt my Mark burning, the others look at their Marks too. "We need to come to the entrance of the school," Draco says. "Maybe he has Scarhead," Blaise thinks out loud. "Maybe, maybe not, we will see I suppose," I say while smiling.

My day couldn't get any better.

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