Girls dorm and Hogsmeade

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That weekend I stand in the Gryffindor girls dorms, changing into my clothes when someone knocks at the door. Then, some Slytherin boys burst in. How did they bypass the stairs, who let all the boys-passengers fall down?

They stare at me, or more, at my clothes. Or the lack thereof. Their mouths fall open and stare. I grab a blanket and hold it before me. "You stupid idiots! Don't you have manners," I hiss at them. They shake their head, probably forgetting how they walked in and look now at my face.

"I already thought, when would they discover that it is more than only a body," I snap at them. "Sorry, we just... didn't expected...," Draco stumbles. "Turn around." "Wha-what," Blaise asks, blush creeping up his cheeks.

"TURN AROUND SO I CAN CHANGE INTO MY CLOTHES, YOU DUMBASSES," I yell at them. The four boys turn around and I button my blouse up correctly "You can face me again," I say. They turn around and their eyes go for a second to my clothing, but then to my face.

"My next question, how did you get here," I ask sternly. "Uhmm.. walking," Crabbe says dumbly. "HOW DID YOU GET BY THE GIRLS DORM, I MEAN," I scream at them, throwing my fists around. They look very scared. "We just walked on the stairs, what should have happened then," Draco asks curiously.

"Well, normally, when a boy tries to enter the girls dorms, they are thrown off the stairs. They trust girls more then boys, you know. Maybe it didn't work as they suspect boys of the same House walking up, as others wouldn't even be able to enter through the portrait." They smile slightly.

"Well, we wanted to ask if you would hang around with us in Hogsmeade." "Well, I had planned to go with Harry, Ron, Neville and Ginny, but maybe I can later go to you? Where would I find you after maybe 30 minutes?"

"Probably in the bar, watching some nice girls and drinking Butterbeer," Blaise grins. I sigh, whispering loud enough for them to hear:"Why am I planning to go hang out with some teenage boys with too much testosterone?"

My lips forms into a smile: "Because I'm crazy, I go with you. I am at the Three Broomsticks over about 30 minutes." "Great, we will see you Hermione," Draco says with a smile. They walk out off my room. This is going to be fun, a lot of fun.

I walk into the queue before Filch, who is checking us on illegal stuff. He does it a lot shorter with me. Probably he already knows, just as a lot of teachers, I won't do anything silly like that. I wait for Harry, Neville, Ron and Ginny to come out of the queue and we walk through whole Hogsmeade, shopping sweets and joking gear.

After 30 minutes, my watch screams: "You are going to be late." I grab my stuff when Ron asks: "Hermione, where are you going? For what are you going to be late?" "Please Ron, I'm perfectly in shape to care for myself, thanks," I snap at him and I walk away.

"That was not nice, was it," a voice belonging to a certain redhead sounds. Fred and George joined their brother, sister and their friends in watching Hermione leaving..

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