'Vident Infantem'

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Today we will go to St. Mungo's for a check-up on the baby. Draco holds my hand in the waiting corner, squeezing it and sometimes placing a kiss on it. Narcissa and Lucius look at us with a smile and Lucius gives Narcissa a kiss. She smiles as reply.

"Miss Riddle,  Mrs Malfoy, Mr Malfoy, young Mr Malfoy, your turn," a Healer calls out. He looks a bit afraid, but that was logical. I still am the Dark Lady, leader of the Death Eaters and daughter of the most feared wizard of all time.

He signs us to come in and I lay down on the hospital bed. "Please pull your shirt up and I will check the child," the young man says. I do as he says and he walks slowly towards me, looking in fear at me and the others.

"Vident Infantem," the man says and the square from before rises up. We can see our little baby once again and I begin to tear up. It was just so beautiful to see it safe and sound. "Do you want to know the gender?"

I look at Draco. "Do you want to know, love?" "I honestly don't care, you?" "Honestly, I don't want to know. I want it to be a surprise," I say with a smile. "Well, then I think you are ready," the Healer says, signing us to go out of the room and leave. When we are outside, Lucius mumbles. "He is terrified of us, isn't he?" "He probably is," I reply and we Apparate back home.

"WHAT IS IT? BOY OR GIRL? WHAT IS THE GENDER," Evie yells in excitement, jumping up and down. "We don't know," I reply calmly, crossing my arms before my chest and with laughter. 

"HOW DO YOU MEAN 'YOU DON'T KNOW'," she yells again, only this time in disbelief and frustration. "We chose to keep it a secret, didn't we Draco," I ask, looking at him. Evie looks like she can't believe me.

"I think I need to dye my hair to relax now," she exclaims, running a hand through her dark green hair, looking even more frustrated. "Oh yeah? Which color will it be this time?" "I don't know really, do you have any favourites?" "Well, dark blue always suits you." "But I already had that one," she replies annoyed.

"Fire red," I try again. "Too much Weasley." "Magenta?" "Hmm.. yeah,magenta it will be. Thank you Mia!" She runs upstairs and I laugh again. "Mia? What is that for name," Draco asks, slipping his arm around my waist and holding me close to his body. I smile at the memories and explain it to him.

"When we were younger, she thought Hermione was too long. So she made my nickname: Mia." "What did she mean, 'dying her hair to relax'?" "That is her way of relaxing. She began with that when she was 7, can you imagine it? It was never a normal colour, always blue, pink, purple, green, that kind of stuff."

"Amazing child," Draco mumbles into my ear. He presses a kiss on my shoulder when someone knocks at the front door. "I go," I yell, running towards the door. When I open it I see a surprise: a trio of Death Eaters.

"Hello Death Eaters, what are you doing here?" "We need to tell you something, my Lady." "What is it?" "We need permission to give Charlie Weasley the Dementors' kiss."

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