6th year begins, and you know what happened 6th year...

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Hermione's P.O.V

"He-he loved her. He loved her so much that he killed her," I whisper, staring into fathers eyes. I can't believe it. You wouldn't kill someone you love because of.. jealously, would you? "Yes, he loved her through the deepest of his bones. He couldn't accept it she loved someone else than him and that killed him inside. It broke him so terribly, he killed the love of his life. And he had to deal with that to the day you killed him."

"So that was why he wanted to kill me too? Because I look to much like her? Because I was not his, I was yours?" "I think that was the main reason, yes. He betrayed us because she didn't answer his love for her and with his betrayal, he lost her definately."

"Then I am happy I killed him. My life would be in danger for the rest of my life if he still lived. Because, he still hated me, didn't he," I ask father. "I am afraid he did, yes, but you are safe now and that is what matters for me." "But everyone knows you live now. They want your head father!"

"Don't worry about me, worry about yourself." "Well, I will still worry about you, altough you tell me a thousand times not to! They want you dead, the Order won't stop until you are! So, stay hidden and don't go outside! Please dad, stay alive, for me!" "Of course I will honey, I will," he mumbles, brushing over my head in a fatherly gesture.

I jump up from my seat and hug him tight. "I don't want you to die dad, I know you for just so short," I whisper emotionally. "If you stay alive, I will honey. I finally found you back, I won't lose you again." It stays silent, a peaceful silence which had no sign of the upcoming Second Wizarding War.

"How are you feeling now, Hermione," Draco asks in whisper-tone in my ear. I sit in a compartment with Draco, Ginny, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle and I rest my head on Draco's chest, my hand next to my face. He plays with my dark brown hair with his long, pale fingers.

"Pretty good, how are you, love," I ask him while smiling. He kisses me, saying: "Amazing." "Hey, Weaslette, would you like to hang out with us," Blaise asks, looking at Ginny. She blushes and smiles. "Maybe, because Harry is only mourning over Sirius' death and the rest is just... ugh, I have no words for it." Blaise grins and grabs a book.

"Hermione, can I use our quill," Ginny asks. "Of course you can, it is in my trunk," I reply, pointing over to one of the trunks. She nods and searches. Not much time later she holds a book in her hands, a confused expression on her face. "Hermione, why do you have this book with you?"

It was 'The Dark Arts in most Maleficent Ways'. "Ginny, put that back," I say to her in a commanding, nearly hissing voice. "Why do you have it with you? This is full of Dark magic, why would you use it?" "I don't use it! It is for... education! It is only for my enormous study-interest. Of course I wouldn't use it Ginny, do you think I'm evil or something?" "No-no of course not... it was just... strange. Of course I won't say a thing like that. Hermione being evil is just as impossible as Ron being in Slytherin."

We laugh by the thought of it. When we walk into the Great Hall, all of the Gryffindor's eyes are on me and Ginny. "Why did you enter with those Death Eater-monsters Ginny," Ron asks when we sit down at the Gryffindor table, obviously ignoring my presence. "They are not Death Eaters, Ron," Ginny snaps angrily.

"Don't lie to yourself,"Ron replies and he turns to eat. Or more: 'stuff as much food as possible in one time in my mouth'-time. After dinner I search quickly the company of my Slytherin friends, this time without Ginny. When I enter the library, they all sit there with Draco tremendously pale. 

"What is wrong love," I ask with fear, slowly brushing over his platinum blonde locks. What is wrong with him? "Hermione.. I have to kill Dumbledore," he whispers, hugging me and crying in my chest. I pull him tight to me and rub his back and hair.

"Shhh, don't cry love. Don't worry, I'll support you. I'll help you." "I-I can't ask that of you, Hermione. Potter, Weasley.. you-" "I am your girlfriend, Draco. I will help you through this! I will help you kill Dumbledore, you don't have to do this alone!" "But love-""Draco, you killed Karkaroff with me, I will kill Dumbledore with you." "I-I love you Hermione, I will love you forever, until the day I die." "I love you too Draco, forever and always."

Hermione Riddle, the Dark LadyWhere stories live. Discover now