New Minister of Magic

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We stand in the Entrance Hall of the Ministry of Magic, with a lot of people around us. Camera's flash around every three seconds. I have a long dark green dress with a shawl in the same colour on my head. Draco holds my hand and I look at him, smiling.

Today I will install the new Minister of Magic and I can finally relax a bit. The Wizarding World was still rebuilding itself but we were on the good way. I smile at the new Minister of Magic, Gerald Wizendraw. I clear my throat and everyone goes silent, waiting for me to say something. Reporters stick out their wands like a microphone and I begin to speak.

"Good afternoon everyone. May I present you, with full proud, your new Minister of Magic: Gerald Sean Abraham Wizendraw. He will lead the Wizarding World of England from now on. May we support him and respect him. An applause please," I speech, clapping in my hands after the last word.

Everyone follows my example and Gerald smiles, waving at the people. We walk to my office and I grab my box with stuff. "Here, let me do it," Draco says, stealing the box from me. "I'm pregnant, not useless Draco," I say with a smile.

He shakes his head like there was no 'no' possible. I sigh and we Apparate to our home: Riddle Manor. The House Elves had cleaned the whole house and made it possible to live in. Evie, Blaise, Crabbe, Astoria, Daphne and Goyle lived there with us, as they didn't want to stay in the houses of their parents but also they didn't have a home of themselves immediately, so they lived with us for a couple of months.

We put my stuff in my office in the house and walk to the living room, where the others were. "Hi Hermione, how was your last day as Minister of Magic," Evie asks while sitting on Blaise's lap, her arms around his neck while they were cuddling.

"Terribly boring and exhausting," I sigh with a happy smile. I didn't look too good, as Draco looks full of worry at my face. "Hermione, love, shouldn't you lay down for a couple of hours,"Draco asks. "Yeah.. I think I will do that. See you all later," I say, waving goodbye as I left the living room.

I walk to the upstairs, change into a darkgreen and silver nightdress. I have the Slytherin locket around my neck, as usual. It was my guardian through nightmares of my father's death. It was nearly three months ago, but I still can't stop dreaming about it.

You need to be strong Hermione, be strong for your family, I think to myself and I finally sink into the darkness of deep sleep.

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