The time after

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I stand in my office in the Ministry of Magic with Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Evie, Daphne, Astoria, Crabbe and Goyle. "So, what went wrong," I ask, looking at Blaise and Crabbe. "We don't know what went wrong Hermione. But they are defeated, aren't they," Crabbe asks hesitantly, awaiting my outburst of anger.

"I know they are, but it didn't need to happen! We are just after the Second Wizarding War and you are immediately lazy and everything," I sneer at them. Draco squeezes my shoulder, saying: "Hermione, maybe you are a bit rude now."

I look over my shoulder at him and then back at the rest. They look terrified at me being angry. I sigh. Why was ruling the Wizarding World such a hard job? I didn't even need to do it for long, just until the new Minister of Magic was ready to take over!

"Sorry everybody, this job is just stressing me out. I know you all want safety, peace and a nice home without having to worry, but that isn't gonna happen right now. We still have to be careful, look over our shoulders for any danger."

I place my hand on my swollen stomach. Everyone watches me, nodding in understanding. "We understand Hermione. This is a very responsible and nerve-racking job and you are pregnant. It is not easy and we will do everything to protect the Wizarding World from the Order," Evie says, placing her hand on mine.

"Thank you Evie, Thank you everyone," I say with a last sigh. We plan some more and they go out off my office, except for Draco. "How are you?" "Not great, but it can be worse." "I am worried about you and our little baby," Draco admits. "I'm fine Draco, please don't worry any longer. It is just a hard job, but I can take it."

Draco sighs and embraces me. I smile slightly and close my eyes. "Do you believe in me Draco?" "I will always believe in you and I will always trust you." "I don't know why I deserve your trust so much." He chuckles, whispering in my ear: "Because I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, my Hermione Granger.. Riddle.. whatever!"

 I let go off the embrace and look him in the eyes. Maybe it is time now? I walk to a bookshelf and shove a couple of books aside. I grab a little white box. Dad had given it to me, saying I needed to save it for this moment.

Draco tries to look over my shoulder at what I'm doing but I turn around, smiling at him. "Draco, may I ask you something?" "Of course you can love, what's wrong?" "Nothing is wrong-" I walk closer to him, kissing him on his mouth.

I grab the box and open it. It holds a beautiful, simple golden ring. "Hermione?" "Draco, do you want to give me the greatest honour of becoming my husband?" "Ye-yes, of course I will," he says, smiling widely. I put the ring around his finger and he puts his arms around my waist, lifting me up.

"DRACO! PUT ME DOWN," I yell while laughing. He puts me down and kisses me full with passion. This was maybe the only nice moment of this week, or maybe this whole month.

A few days later..

"My Lady, we have taken care of those Weasleys who escaped. You don't have to worry about them anymore," a new Auror ensures me. He was the head of that Department now, just hired 2 weeks after the war.

The Wizarding World was suddenly becoming more stable over time.

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