"Kill them, I don't want to see them again."

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I am like a Queen in Hogwarts. Every Slytherin adores me and everyone other fears me. Not that I liked the 'fearing' part, but I can't do anything about it. My friendship with Evie grows even better, if that is possible and I had more.. hum hum.. 'nice' time with Draco in the Room of Requirement.

I also help my friends with studying. Unfortunately Ginny doesn't talk with me any longer. Harry and Ron aren't at school anymore. Harry would be chased down if he returned to school and Ron was sick or something.

Before attending Hogwarts someone needed to make my bloodstatus sure. The Death Eaters made sure it was a Death Eather or a symphatizer of their ideas who had checked me. I lean against Draco's chest in bed in the Room of Requirement.

"What are you thinking about," Draco asks me. I smile, shaking my head. "Nothing much. Do you think Harry will succeed in defeating my father?" "I think Potter doesn't have the guts to do that." I nod and kiss his chest.

"We should get up, shouldn't we love," Draco asks. I sigh and push the blankets off. I put on my clothes and so does Draco. I laugh: his tie looks awful. I walk to him and do his tie again. "You wear ties since you are four and you still can't do it properly," I grin. He puts his arms around my waist, kissing my head.

We leave the Room of Requirement alone and went to the library, the place where all of our friends always hang around. Crabbe got in a relationship with Daphne Greengrass. I still can't believe Astoria and Daphne are my maternal cousins. They definately don't feel like it and we never mention being related to each other.

"Hello everyone," I say while entering. They all look at us, smiling. We all got now a proper Dark Mark, even Astoria(there was doubt because she is one year lower than us) and Evie(there was doubt because she wasn't really long with the Death Eaters). "Hello Draco and Hermione," they say. We talk for a while. Nothing much happens until Easter break...

In the Easter break, there is some noise downstairs..

"What is that for noise," I ask my friends. We sit in my room: I read my book, Draco and Blaise play Wizards chess with supporting from Crabbe and Goyle, who had bet who would win, and Evie reading in another book. "I don't know, I will check out," Draco remarks, standing up and walking downstairs.

When he doesn't come back after some time we all walk downstairs also. "I think they are in the living room," Blaise says and when he said that we hear Bellatrix screaming. We walk fastly into the room and then I see the source of noise: Ron, Harry and Ginny sit there on the floor, tied down.

Harry's face was strangely swollen but if you know him good you see it is him. "What is the meaning of this," I ask at the audience in the room, which excisted out of Lucius, Narcissa, Fenrir Greyback, Bellatrix, Draco and some Snatchers. "We brought Harry Potter and his friends inside, my Lady," Greyback remarks in a sickening obediently voice.

"Is it Potter, my Lady," Bellatrix asks softly, staring at me in wait. "It is definately Potter, and those two are Ron and Ginny Weasley," I answer her. They look disgusted at me. "We should call the Dark Lord," Bellatrix points out, her hand moving to her left arm.

"NO, WE CALL HIM. WE HAVE CAUGHT HIM!" "NO YOU DON'T, WE CALL HIM. YOU ARE IN OUR HOUSE!" "I'll call him and that is no suggestion," I snap at them. They look at me with disapproval but obey. I roll up my sleeve and I hear Ginny gasp.

"Do you like the view, Weaslette," Blaise asks while grinning. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOOD BLAISE! I REALLY THOUGHT IT," Ginny cried out with a broken voice. I can see a change in attitude by Blaise. Wait, did he.. love her?

I press my finger on the Dark Mark. Everyone looks at their own, the Mark burnt by them too. "He will come soon," I state. "Why did you had to betray us Hermione, why?" "I can't help that I am the Dark Lord's daughter, Ron." "But why did you choose for him? You could have been just good, good like us."

"You are no good. Karkaroff was on your side when he killed my mother and wanted to kill me!" "SO IT WAS YOU! YOU KILLED KARKAROFF," Ron yells. "Yes, it was me. I feel no regret or remorse about it. I killed him right after Harry left the Riddle graveyard." "YOU WERE THERE," Harry yells in shock.

"Yes, Draco and I looked out of the forest at you. Right after you left, I put a bullet in the head of the murderer of my mother." "Who was your mother, Hermione," Ginny asks, trying to be kind. "My mother was Yarah Greengrass. She loved me and Karkaroff killed her before I could get to know her. And your parents weren't so innocent as you think Harry! They tried to kill my mother while she was pregnant with me! My father only took the revenge he deserved to take," I spat.

"They tried to kill you and your mother," Harry whispers. He felt guilty, I can see it on his face. "THAT WAS BECAUSE SHE WAS A DEATH EATER. SHE HAD PROBABLY KILLED HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE BEFORE THAT!" "NO, BECAUSE SHE WAS ONLY IN HER 20'S!" They were clearly shocked by this confession.

Draco walks towards me and hugs me. I cry in his shoulder. "Kill them, I don't want to see them again," I mumble in his ear. He nods and turn to his family.

"She wants them killed." "But Dark Lady, you can't kill them. Your father would not approve," Bellatrix point out shyly. "I am your Dark Lady and I order you to kill those gits," I say coldly, stern. Bellatrix nods and points her wand at Ginny. I look at it with hollow eyes, without emotion or recognition.

Hermione Riddle, the Dark LadyWhere stories live. Discover now