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"Keep it up, punk; you'll be just like me sooner than you think." The sweating man spat his words into the face of the smaller man in front of him.

The air was thick with smoke, and the smaller man knew he had few precious moments before everything blew up in his face. Literally. He smirked and looked to the side, his face muscles working as he forced himself to continue the petty civility he had been using since he walked in. His head quickly turned back to face the pathetic looking creature in front of him.

"I don't see where you're in any position to judge me," he smirked, sliding his hand inside his coat pocket.

The larger man's eyes widened and he quickly reached inside his own coat and whipped out his gun. Suddenly, he heard a click at his temple and his bulging eyes slowly slid to the side. He saw the cold face of another man holding a high caliber pistol to his head, eyes narrow and cold, mouth forming a downward triangular shape.

The large man's eyes rolled back to the small blond in front of him. His fingers slowly released the handle of his gun, dropping it to the floor.

"Listen, Jung Pyo-ssi, I didn't want to do this, but you forced my hand," said the small blond man. He took slow, deliberate steps towards the man in front of him who was now sporting a large wet stain on the front of his pants.

The small man laughed and looked at the man who was holding the gun to Jung Pyo's head. "Hoseokie, you made him have an accident."

He slid his eyes back to the now sniveling man and slid his hand into his own coat, slowly extracting a nine millimeter that was equipped with a silencer.

Jung Pyo began begging for his life, his words melting into a jumbled mess. "Yoongi-ssi, c'mon man, don't do this. I have nothing left you can take! Look around!"

The orange flames were creeping into the dining area of the small restaurant. The black smoke was curling under the kitchen access door, making it more difficult to breathe.

However, the man named Yoongi kept his cool. He kept his narrow eyes trained on his target, his hand gripping the handle of the pistol, balancing it gently as he slid his finger delicately around the trigger. His mind was filled with all the filthiness the man in front of him had committed. He remembered the bodies of several of his men being discovered dead, killed in awful ways that he couldn't even fathom doing to someone. This piece of scum had long outlived his usefulness. Yoongi's father had kept him around for whatever reason Yoongi could never figure out. However, once Jung Pyo had taken upon himself to rebel and fight back, killing over five of Yoongi's most loyal and capable men, that was the nail that sealed his coffin.

"You remember those five men you killed?" he murmured in a husky voice. "Did you enjoy their screams as they died? I doubt you made it quick from what I saw," he said, swallowing the bile creeping up into his throat.

"You are a filthy, disgusting, piece of trash. It's time you paid for what you've done." He wanted to cringe at his own choice of words but they seemed to fit in this situation.

Hoseok listened to his boss' words and slowly lowered his gun, stepping back several feet.

"Why is he moving? Are you letting me-"

A pop sounded, a small red circle immediately appearing on the man's forehead and a larger red spray splattering delicately across the floral papered wall behind him. The body fell backwards with a large thud, just as the door to the kitchen crumbled from the flames engulfing it.

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