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"You have got to be kidding me," mumbled Yoongi, now covering his eyes with one hand. 

"No, sir," said Namjoon, pushing his glasses up one more time. "Nam Jieun, the girl you pulled out of the trunk, is the daughter of the head police chief."

Joon Ji sighed softly and turned back to his roses.  "I'm done talking about work today. You all take this somewhere else. And Yoongi, clean up your mess." 

Yoongi glanced at his father's back and groaned as he turned back to the head of security. "Namjoon, did you find out what she was doing in the trunk of Jung Pyo's car?"

"Well, I would assume being kidnapped," said Namjoon, a smirk twitching around his smile.

Hoseok eyed the security head with disdain. He hated the guy's smug, arrogant ways. In Hoseok's opinion, just because Namjoon had an enviably high IQ didn't mean he could look down on everyone else. He kept his eyes on Yoongi as the man spoke. 

"Yes, I can gather that much on my own, Mr. Intelligent. I'm asking why he wanted to kidnap her in the first place?" 

"Ah, sorry, my mistake," Namjoon smirked as he pulled up a file on his tablet. "I believe the reason you're wanting is right here." He held the tablet out to Yoongi, who quickly snatched it from his hands. 

Yoongi stared at the report, and his head dropped back as he began to laugh. "A speeding ticket? The man got a speeding ticket? He kidnapped a woman over a speeding ticket?"

Yoongi's laugh shook his whole body. "This man was a bigger idiot than I thought."

"To be fair, he seemed to think the cop who pulled him over was 'dirty.' When he tried to report it to the police chief, he was shut down immediately and threatened with jail time if he stuck around for much longer. I think he felt wronged." Namjoon pushed his glasses up once more and took the tablet back from Yoongi.

"Either way, it's become something bigger now." Namjoon paused as his phone began to vibrate on his hip. He popped it out of the holster and raised it to his ear, answering it in the process. "Yes, JK. Oh? Alright. I'll bring Mr. Min with me then. We'll be right there." 

He replaced his phone on his hip and smiled at Yoongi and Hoseok. "Seems our little hacker has more info for us. Shall we go?" He held out his hand to his side and waited for the president and his bodyguard to take the lead. 

Yoongi stared at his hand and then at Hoseok, then back at Namjoon. "You first," he mumbled.

Namjoon merely smiled and turned on his heel, walking briskly towards the main house.

Yoongi sighed and followed along behind him. This was why he hated getting involved in the business. Tying up one loose end always led to a dozen more coming loose. He was only in it deeper now that he was pegged for some girl's kidnapping.

Hoseok watched the heavy shoulders of his friend in front of him. He knew Yoongi didn't want to be in this business but was born into it and brought up to think he had no other options but to be in it. Hoseok had other dreams and ambitions, but he refused to even think of leaving Yoongi behind. Nope, as long as Yoongi was in this, Hoseok was too.

The trio finally arrived at a mundane-looking door with a tiny keypad to the left of the doorknob. Namjoon speedily tapped a few numbers, and then after a small series of beeps, the door unlocked. Namjoon stood to the side and allowed Yoongi and Hoseok to slide past him into the dark corridor.

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