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Jieun stared at Yoongi.  "A mole?" 

Yoongi's jaw flexed as he pondered the weight of what he had just said.  Once he had said the words, everyone became suspicious of everyone else.  However, he couldn't stuff them back into his mouth.  He glanced around at the people in the room. 

Taehyung caught his gaze.  He was seething in his own anger.  Everything in his life had been uprooted because of some nameless, faceless person who was set on playing games with people's lives.  He wanted to go back to his life that merely consisted of teaching next to Jieun every day and watching children learn. However, he was being forced to pick up the violent mantle of the family business and try to restore order to his frazzled life.  He pinched the bridge of his nose and growled lowly.  "As much as I hate this, I think we need to work together and hammer out a plan.  It's obvious that the mole is no one in this room.  But they want us to fight each other."

Yoongi eyed him carefully.  He still had a lot of questions for Taehyung.  They would probably not be answered anytime soon, however.  He licked his lips and turned away his frustrated gaze.  "I hate it more than you know," he muttered.  "Let's all take a drive.  I can't trust a single room in this house."

"Let's go to mine," Jieun offered. 

"It's probably being watched," offered Hoseok. 

"Yes, that's a terrible idea," said Taehyung, not noticing the annoyed look that crossed Jieun's face.  "We should go to my house."  He walked over to grab his jacket off the back of a chair.

Yoongi nodded.  "Sounds fine.  I'll grab my coat."  He quickly left the room, Hoseok close on his heels.

Jimin looked between Taehyung and Jieun and then grabbed his own jacket.  "I'll wait downstairs." 

Taehyung adjusted his coat as the door clicked closed behind Jimin.  "Jieun, I'm sorry you are in the middle of this." 

Jieun shrugged.  "Can't stop it now."

Taehyung moves closer to her.  He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and hold her tight, protecting her from everything.  He reached an arm out towards her but she edged away.  His hand dropped and he looked at her intently.  "Jieun, please."

Jieun's eyes were glossy.  "Taehyung, I don't know who to trust anymore.  I'm grateful to you and even Yoongi for saving my life.  But honestly, you have to understand that I really know nothing about you.  I thought I did, but it seems like I didn't know as much as I thought."

Taehyung felt a cold chill run down his spine.  "What do you want to know about me?  I'll tell you everything, Jieun.  Just please, don't push me away.  You are the only good thing in my life.  I need you and our...friendship."

Jieun frowned and took another step back.  "I stood up to Yoongi for you because I respect the friendship we had, Taehyung.  But that doesn't mean I trust you again.  You could tell me everything, but what good would it do?"

"It would help me clear my conscience towards you, for one," he said softly. 

"I really don't want to know all of your secrets," she whispered.  "Just promise that there will be no more between us," she mumbled, looking up at him. 

Taehyung's heart raced.  She looked small, vulnerable, and yet so beautiful.  He hated he was part of the reason she would never walk carefree though the world again.  He hated that he had betrayed their friendship with secrets, but he had kept them in order to keep her safe.  "I promise," he whispered.

Jieun looked him over, judging the sincerity of his words.  She nodded her head slowly and then walked to the door.  "Yoongi must be waiting."  Opening the door, she walked through it, leaving Taehyung behind.

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