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Taehyung and Jimin stood, the music playing in the background bringing a sad feel to the grisly scene.  Jimin glanced at Taehyung before walking towards the body in the floor.

"Wait," mumbled Taehyung, barely speaking loud enough for Jimin to hear.

"What's wrong?" Jimin paused and turned. 

"I may hate her, but she's still my mother."  Taehyung's mouth twitched as he tried to hold back tears that he desperately wanted to deny.  He slowly moved towards his mother's body and knelt down next to her, careful to avoid the pooling blood.

Jimin was conflicted on whether his presence at this moment was a help to Taehyung or a matter of interruption.  "I'm going to go get the trunk lined with some plastic," he muttered.  He quickly left the room, deciding he would give his friend and master a moment alone.

Taehyung stayed next to her, a hand resting on her arm and feeling the warmth slowly dissipate from it.  He studied her face, still beautiful even after a hard life.  "I'll never understand why you didn't love me," he whispered in a strained voice.  "I'll never understand why you abused my friend and the boy you adopted into our home.  I'll never understand why my father hated me either, or how you two could simultaneously live in a home while so blatantly detesting one another.  I know you didn't choose this life willingly.  I know Grandfather forced you into it, but why didn't you make the best of it?  Why didn't you learn to truly love?  Why did you only want control and dominance?  You were my mother.  But I will always hate you.  I'm not sorry you're laying here lifeless," he murmured as he leaned closer to her ear.  "I'm not sorry your evil ways caught up with you.  I should probably give Jimin a bonus."  He smirked as he raised back up.  He smiled calmly down at the dead corpse of his mother and then proceeded to scoop her body up into his arms, standing and adjusting the literal dead weight.  "I think you gained a bit, mother." He chuckled and walked outside, past several employees who merely glanced and then looked away. 

Oh Hwa Young was not a loved women.  She wasn't even respected.  She was merely tolerated.  Marrying into the Kim family was not her choice, but her father's.  It was the one time he did not allow her to have her own way.  She had been badly spoiled as the only daughter alongside four sons.  Never being told no and given anything she desired.  Her new husband was not as indulgent, however, and disregarded her childish ways with stern rejection.  He might have loved her once, but her penchant for alcohol and flirtatious ways quickly killed off any feelings her husband might have had for her. 

Taehyung walked through his memories as he travelled the sidewalk to the waiting car.  As he walked, the weight on his heart felt lighter.  He knew it was wrong to feel happy about such a situation, but for the first time in his life he felt a glimmer of freedom.  He had spent way too long in the shadow of his sick and demented parents. 

Jimin stood patiently near the trunk with the lid open, waiting for the dead woman to be placed inside.  He felt nothing but disgust for her.  Sure, she was still beautiful and her body was indeed nice, but he had never enjoyed it.  Everything she had done to him was nothing but a black and ugly memory.  He shuddered as he remembered her hands on his skin, raking over his body relentlessly.  At first he had cried, inadvertently making her laugh and encouraging her to continue the cycle of abuse.  Then after a few months of being drugged, raped, hurt, and mistreated, his emotions became numb.  If he disobeyed her slightest order, he would be hurt or threatened.  If he managed to make it though each encounter without complaint, he was rewarded with being allowed to remain injury free. 

Both Hwa Young and her husband were abusive and controlling.  Not only to their own family and employees, but each other.  Blackmail, deceit, rage, and even physical abuse was common between the two.  When one was injured by the other, both Taehyung and Jimin suffered, but only one being able to openly comfort the other.

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