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"It's here," muttered Hoseok, handing Yoongi a black envelope.

Yoongi leaned back in his seat and took a deep breath. "Call everyone in."

In the span of five minutes, Taehyung, Jimin, JK, and Jieun were standing in Yoongi's office. All of them looked apprehensive at the sight of the unopened black envelope on his desk.

"We believe this is the invite. Once I open this, we will probably need to move quickly. There will be no room for error. He looked at Taehyung pointedly and then glanced at Jieun, who had settled herself on the small sofa against the wall. Her hands were fidgeting in her lap and she looked pale.
Yoongi sighed and picked up the envelope, tearing off one end and jerking the card out.

"The Grand Plaza downtown, in..." he glanced at his watch on his left wrist and cocked an eyebrow. "Two hours. We have two hours." He quickly stood to his feet. "Jieun, start getting ready, the rest of you head down to JK's lair."

Everyone began following orders and moving out of the office. "Did you guys hear that? He actually called it a lair!"

JK was slightly giddy as Jimin merely pushed him out of the office with a bored sigh.

Yoongi gently grasped Jieun's arm. "Wait," he said softly.

She paused and turned to him. Her heart was pounding and she felt nervous energy filling her veins.

Yoongi walked over to his desk quickly and opened the bottom drawer, pulling out a small box. He walked over and gently placed it in her hands. "You'll need this tonight." With a tight smile, he placed a chaste kiss on her temple and quickly left the room.

Jieun's hand raised to the place he had kiss and she smiled shyly. It warmed her and calmed her all at the same time. She looked at the box in her hands curiously and lifted the lid. Inside was a delicate mask, with jewel encrusted accents. The details were intricate and she gasped softly at the beauty of it.

She quickly went to her room and shut the door

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She quickly went to her room and shut the door. She was not going to make the men wait on her. Tonight required alertness and perfectly timed movements. Not knowing what the entire plan was, she knew she could trust Yoongi and the others to cover all the bases.

She slipped into her dress and carefully arranged her hair. It wasn't her goal to draw undue attention to herself. But Yoongi had made sure she was definitely decked out nicely. Sliding the mask on she stared at herself in the mirror.

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