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Jieun saw Hoseok's car drive up to the front of the house. That meant Taehyung and Jimin were now home from the hospital.  Bursting out of her room, she thundered down the long staircase and skidded to a stop, waiting breathlessly at the closed front door.

Yoongi had heard the noise and stepped out of his room, following her down the hallway, laughing at her sudden onset of childishness.  He couldn't expect her to not be happy about her friends being safe. He held back his ego and pride and allowed Taehyung and Jimin to have this moment with his girl. They had probably earned it.

The door opened slowly and Taehyung pushed through the door, looking tired but happy to be out of a sterile hospital.  Jimin followed slowly behind, dark circles under his eyes.  Hoseok followed the injured bodyguard, his arms spread wide as a protection in case Jimin lost his balance.

Jieun was humming with excitement and as soon as Taehyung met her gaze, she launched herself onto him, squeezing him and crying, emotional that her best friend was safe and for lack of a better term, home. "Tae, I'm so happy to see you!"

Taehyung held her carefully, his eyes trailing up to the top of the staircase and noticing the man perched there.  His eyes narrowed and he patted Jieun's shoulders, carefully removing her arms from him.

Jieun took a step back, remembering their conversation at the hospital and also that she now needed to keep her distance. Her eyes darted behind Taehyung to Jimin and she rushed to him, looking at him closely and examining the visible injuries. "Jimin, I'm so glad you're alright. Are you tired? Hungry? Let's get you upstairs, hm?"

Jimin smiled at the woman who was acting like a worried mother hen. He hadn't been pampered by a woman since his own mother and he had to admit to himself that it made him feel good to be cared for in such a way. He allowed himself to be led up the stairs, assuring Taehyung as he passed by him, that he would be resting and not a thing more. Hoseok followed closely behind, still nervous about the man being weak.

Taehyung watched them go slowly up the stairs and he shoved his hands into his coat pockets. Staring at Yoongi, who was coolly staring back, he cocked his head to one side and nodded his head towards the outside. Turning on his heel, he headed out to the rose garden to wait.

* * *

Yoongi smiled as the trio of people passed by him at the top of the stairs. Hoseok nodded with respect and Jimin did as well. Jieun smiled and blushed but kept fussing around Jimin all the way to his room.

Watching them made Yoongi feel happy. He had been alone for so long, just Hoseok by his side. It was curious to him that he had somehow managed to add three friends to his small, tight circle in such a short amount of time. They had livened up his life, in more ways than one.

With a heavy sigh, he watched Taehyung signal him to come outside. He needed to have this talk with his...brother. The word still made him feel a bit sick, knowing how his father had despised and cheated on his mother with someone else. But, that wasn't Taehyung's fault.

Yoongi sauntered down the steps, anxious to reveal the truth to Taehyung, to free his heart from such a heavy burden.

* * *

Taehyung stood under the autumn trees, the leaves turned gold and red. The rose bushes were slowly going into a hibernation, their leaves darkening and drying, the last blooms of the season hanging on with great effort. He trailed his hands across some fading red petals and looked at the bandages around his wrists.

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