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Jimin followed Taehyung into the room they shared and began peeling off his clothing, wadding it up and tossing it into a pile.  He would make sure to properly discard of it later.  It wasn't that anyone would really care if Oh Hwa Young was dead, but any reason the police could find to investigate and possibly bring down the Kim family would be a welcome game to them.  He watched as Taehyung stood silently by the window, hands to his side and his shoulders low. 

"Sir, we need to get you out of those clothes," Jimin murmured as he pulled a long sleeved black shirt over his head. 

Taehyung simply stood still.  Jimin felt a cold chill run up and down his spine.  He knew how badly Taehyung hated killing, performing it or only witnessing.  The man by the river was self-defense, but combine that experience with the death of his mother might just put him over the edge.  Thankfully, Jimin had gotten to the Kim mansion just in time to take care of the actual deed himself, preventing Taehyung from committing an act he would probably mentally suffer from for the rest of his life. 

He reached out and touched Taehyung's shoulders, recoiling quickly as the other man flinched away.  Taehyung had been silent all the way back to the Min house.  Jimin could only imagine the inner turmoil going on inside the man at this point.  Killing a random thug was one thing, watching his birth mother die might have been too much.  "Master..."

Taehyung cast a wicked glare to the side, making Jimin take another step back.  "I have told you, to stop calling me that," he ground out.  His jaw flexed as he turned back to the window, ripping his coat off, buttons flying in different directions, clattering to the floor.  Jerking his arms out of the sleeves, he whimpered as he threw it to the ground with desperate determination. 

Jimin closed his mouth and stood silently, watching his master rage and mourn in his own way.  He grimaced as the dress shirt was ripped as well, more buttons hitting the floor.  Taehyung held it in his trembling hands, staring down at the stains on the sleeves, now turning slightly brown.  A soft cry fell from his lips as he snarled his nose and slammed the shirt down onto the discarded coat. 

Jimin stared at his friend.  The lines scattered across the back of the person who had been like a brother to him made his heart ache.  His hand absentmindedly reached out and his fingers traced the lines across Taehyung's shoulder blades.  A single tear rolled down his cheek as he quickly lost count of how many stripes littered the once flawless back of his friend.

"I wish they weren't dead," muttered Taehyung.  He felt Jimin's fingers lightly trace his scars and he shuddered a little.  "I wish they were still alive so I could torture them as much if not more than they did us." 

Jimin shook his head.  "No, no you don't.  That's not you, Tae."  The familiar name of his friend felt uncomfortable on his lips but felt appropriate to use at that moment. "You're not sadistic.  It's not in your nature to inflict pain on anyone." 

Taehyung hung his head and another sob was heard.  "I hate them so much for what they did to us, Jimin."

Jimin stood behind Taehyung and gripped his shoulder reassuringly.  "There won't be anymore scars, Tae.  No one can hurt either of us like this anymore." 

Taehyung nodded and looked back at his friend.  Their bond was strong, and while he hated what his parents had done to the both of them, it gave him the closest ally he could ever hope for.  No one would ever know how tightly knit the hearts of these two men were. 

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