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Jieun blinked in confusion. "Home? Yoongi, what is going on?"

Yoongi just grabbed her hand in his own, gripping it to reassure her, but also to give himself some grounding. He wasn't sure what to expect, what or who could be on the other side of that door. He wasn't afraid for his life, but it was more of a fear of the unknown. 

He hadn't been in the dark completely all these months. He had chosen not to tell Jieun everything he knew, just to give her time to process and come to terms with the way her life was going to be from then on.

He pulled her close to his side and walked up to the door. His eyes scanned the house's exterior and he nodded in muted approval. "Nice," he whispered.

"Hm?" Jieun held his arm tighter. She was very confused and her nerves were winding up tighter than a guitar string, ready to snap. "Yoongi, I swear, if you don't tell me what's going-"

The front door opened at that moment, causing Jieun to stop speaking and stare, her jaw dropping open as she saw the face greeting her. It took her a moment to process who it was but as soon as she did, she dropped Yoongi's arm and rushed at the man.

"JK!" she shouted, gripping the man in a tight hug.

Yoongi grinned widely, happy to see such a familiar face, but it wasn't the one he was looking for. He gently swayed up to the door, reaching out to grip JK's outstretched hand. "Kid, it's good to see you."

JK grinned widely and pushed up his glasses. His hair was smartly parted and he was wearing a charcoal black suit. It was much different from the lazy sweats they were accustomed to seeing him in.

"Yoongi," said Jieun, quickly spinning back to her husband, "does this mean the others...? No, that's silly." She quickly brushed away some tears and smiled widely at JK, who was now closing the door.

"JK, you look wonderful. How have you been?" Jieun reached blindly for her husband, whose eyes couldn't stop darting around the entryway they had walked into.

"I'm good. We'll have time to talk later, noona." He grinned and walked past the couple. "Boss, I would appreciate if you would follow me." He bowed slightly and then proceeded to lead the way down a long hallway to their right.

The hallway was dimly lit, small light fixtures attached to the dark blue walls, shining upwards to cast a comfy glow. Yoongi was trying not to smile at Jieun clinging to his arm. All of her bravery had seemed to disappear with the shock of seeing JK in the flesh.

He had also been excited to see JK at the door, not knowing exactly who had survived their last mission and who hadn't. But now, he was fighting a dry mouth as they walked past multiple doors and stopped in front of a large mahogany door.

JK turned slightly to smile at them over his shoulder as he placed a hand on the silver handle and pushed it downwards. A soft click, followed by the heavy door being pushed open, revealed a slightly brighter interior.

But it wasn't the interior decorating that caught the couples' eyes first.

It was who was in the room.

Jieun gasped and ran into the room, again, throwing herself at another
man, causing Yoongi to cry out, "Woman! If you keep throwing yourself at other men, I'm going to have to speak to my lawyer!"

Jieun was weeping, the surprise of the moment overcoming her quickly.

"Jieun, you're quite possibly strangling me," choked Taehyung, his arms holding her just as tightly. He grinned at Yoongi over her shoulder and quirked one eyebrow as he smirked.

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