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Over time, the Min organization switched over to pure philanthropy. The hospital was expanded and the school moved to a larger facility, accepting more students from all walks of life. Seokjin remained as administrator.

Every tie to mob business was cut. New businesses were formed and gathered under one umbrella. Business practices inside the Min conglomerate were heavily restricted from doing anything shady or that could be misconstrued as illegal. It wasn't easy, but Yoongi and Taehyung worked hard to run the conglomerate with integrity. Taehyung had no problem with allowing Yoongi's family name to be on everything they did. After all, if things had been right, it would have been his family name as well. He did keep the Kim name, but only because he was just too lazy to get it legally changed.

Yoongi's father passed away in Japan, having had a stroke right after hearing of his son's disappearance. Jeong Hwa stayed by his side until his death and accompanied the body back to Korea. He convinced Yoongi to have a small memorial service, if simply to save face. Min Joon Ji's body was cremated and scattered on the rose garden on the old compound property. Yoongi was more than happy to leave him and all the bad memories behind. He had a new life now.

Jeong Hwa stayed on with the Min company. At Yoongi's suggestion, he started a series of classes that taught self-defense to women and girls of all ages and walks of life. The classes were given free of charge and were slowly growing in size.

Yoongi and Jieun had not been able to have their official wedding because of how busy life had gotten. But once things calmed down, they began planning, not because they wanted it, but because all of their friends wanted it and felt they deserved it.

Yoongi was not a wedding planner and at the mere mention of flowers, his eyes glazed over and he shut down. Jieun was well aware of this and the only member of her husband's inner circle that didn't really mind helping plan a wedding, or at least didn't get away fast enough when she asked for volunteers, was Namjoon.

Many afternoons they spent huddled over magazines and color swatches, feeling lost when it came to color names and fabric finishes. Namjoon was a good critical thinker and he helped Jieun compartmentalize every part of the wedding and group tasks together as needed.

The date chosen was to be the same as Jieun and Yoongi's first wedding. It would technically be their one year anniversary, but what better thing to do on one's first anniversary than to have a big party and get married all over again?

* * *

This particular afternoon, Jieun and Namjoon were meeting in the garden, going over the appetizer choices for the reception that would follow the ceremony.

"Let's see, we narrowed it down to crostini with thyme-roasted tomatoes, the coconut crusted shrimp, and the white cheddar gougeres with apple filling, prosciutto and sage." Namjoon stared down at the photos of the food in questions, tapping his pen lightly on the paper.

Jieun listened to him and her mouth began to water, but not in a good way.

"I mean, the shrimp might appeal to some, but we do need to consider the more deadly food allergies, so perhaps the cheese would be-"

"Namjoon, please, can we discuss something else?"

"But we have to decide. The caterer needs our menu by the end of this week. Now, the crostini-"

Jieun bolted from her seat, knocking it over, and rushed to a nearby shrub, emptying her stomach at its base.

Namjoon was startled and hurried over to her, patting her back gently. "Are you alright? What's the matter?"

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