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Jieun and Yoongi finished their breakfast, neither of them really eating much of anything. Jieun stared down at her lap, slowly folding the napkin neatly. She sighed softly as she thought about all the things that had brought her to this exact point.


Yoongi leaned back in his seat, his face still dark and troubled. No matter how carefree he had tried to act, his fake demeanor was able to hide very little of the turmoil going on inside of him. "Mm?"

"What can I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I want to help. I want to do something to help end all of this, but I feel useless. Powerless." Jieun dropped her eyes back down to her lap and she felt her eyes burning with tears.

"Oh, Jieun... you're not useless. If anything, you're a comfort to me." Yoongi's voice was soft and gentle, the tears she was shedding not lost on him.

"But, I do stupid things. I can't use a weapon. I'm more of a liability to you."

Yoongi stood up from his seat and walked over to Jieun, kneeling down next to her chair. He reached a hand up and brushed some hair from her face. "You've been through a lot, hm," he whispered. "More than anyone like you should ever have to go through. And all with no time to process or grieve..." Yoongi saw her shoulders tremble and he stood and pulled her up with him gently. His hand rubbed up and down her back, helplessly trying to brush away fears and heartaches.

Jieun snuggled into his chest and cried. She felt overwhelmed, and weak. This world was something completely new to her. However, she had witnessed horrifying things, and watched Yoongi and his men respond with pride and dignity. She felt a new sense of compassion for the people in this life. Especially the man in her arms.

Jieun was indeed, having trouble processing everything that had happened, after all it had been a lot for someone who had been so sheltered. But she had also always been very empathetic with people who were upset or hurting. Her tears weren't only for herself, but for Yoongi as well. She knew he was suffering in ways he would never say. He had to deal with so many things that weren't fair to him either. However, he was doing the best he could and trying to be brave for her as well.

"I know you're hurting as well," she whispered, feeling him stiffen a bit in her arms.

"Me? No, I'm fine! I'll be fine."

"You're not fine, Min Yoongi." Jieun looked up into his eyes with a stern expression.

Yoongi got lost in the dark brown eyes staring up at him for just a moment. He cleared his throat and felt his cheeks tinge with warmth. He glanced away quickly before looking back at her with feigned offense. "Are you saying I'm ugly?"

Jieun blinked a few times and confusion spread across her face for a split second. "Huh? Wait! No! That's not what I'm saying!"

Yoongi laughed, a low chuckle rumbling through his chest. She was adorable when she was flustered.

"I'm just saying that you can always talk to me," she mumbled, her voice trailing off.

Yoongi tugged her a bit closer, loving the feel of her small frame in his arms. "I might take you up on that someday," he whispered, leaning closer to her ear, his chin resting on her shoulder.

"Good," she smiled, happy there was something she could be useful for.

A loud knocking on the door froze both people, Yoongi dropping his arms from Jieun immediately.

"Come in," he said loudly.

The door opened and Hoseok stuck his head inside the room. "Namjoon is awake. You should come." His face was one of worries apprehension as he waited for Yoongi's response.

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