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Yoongi was on his guard, but he couldn't ignore the woman in his arms. Jieun allowed him to lead, nestling into his hold comfortably. He held her hand and her waist, slowly moving with the crowd.

Jieun lifted her head and looked into his face. "Yoongi?"

Yoongi, realizing he hadn't been breathing regularly, took a deep breath, inhaling her perfume and memorizing it. He glanced down at her before drifting his gaze around the room once more. "Hm?"

"Tonight...well, tonight isn't a guaranteed win for us, I know. But, I want you to know something very important. I love you, and if we don't see tomorrow I want you to-"

"Jieun," Yoongi said firmly, gripping her hand a bit more tightly. "Don't speak that into reality. We're getting out of here alive. All of us. Okay? Now, relax. You're looking tense and it's drawing attention."

He pressed her a bit closer and continued to dance. He smirked as he saw Taehyung and an unknown woman dancing nearby. "Look."

Jieun turned her head slightly and saw Taehyung rigidly dancing while the woman he was holding laughed and chattered up at him. She could tell he was absolutely miserable and it made her giggle a little. "I wonder how he ended up dancing with her?"

"Doesn't matter. All that matters is I'm enjoying watching him squirm," laughed Yoongi, his cheeks pushing upwards into a full smile.

Jieun felt his laughter rumble in his chest as she watched him laugh and smile. Her heart began to beat rapidly and she found herself staring, unable to look away from the handsome man in front of her. He was her world now.

As of late, she hadn't even wondered about her class at the school. Yoongi and all that living in his home entailed, had begun to take center stage for her. Life had taken a serious turn for her and now all she could focus on was getting out of this hotel with everyone alive and in one piece.

Yoongi felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see Taehyung smiling at him tightly. "No," sighed Yoongi and turned back to Jieun, who was trying not to laugh at the two.

"That's rude. I know you're going to take her away from me, so you could at least let me have this moment," muttered Taehyung next to Yoongi's ear.

Yoongi pauses and pulled his lips in between his teeth. He hated to put a Jieun into the arms of his competitor, but Taehyung was right. He had earned this one moment. "Fine," he huffed. "Jieun, if he tries anything, feel free to make him regret it."

Yoongi leaned over and kissed her forehead gently, causing her to blush. He smiled and stepped away, leaving Taehyung in his place.

"Oh, thank God, I didn't think he would actually do it," smiled Taehyung, leaning down closer to Jieun's ear. "You look gorgeous, by the way."

Jieun smiled and shyly looked away. "Thank you," she said simply.

"You love him, don't you," said Taehyung, softly pulling her closer as the music shifted into something slower.

Jieun nodded. "I do. I'm so sorry-"

"No, you will not apologize to me. I lost to him fair and square," he said, a boyish smile on his face. "I have too much baggage and issues to try and invite a woman into my life right now anyway."

Jieun wasn't sure of what he was talking about, so she simply nodded.

"Jieun, look at me," he said softly, his eyes searching for hers through her mask.

She complied and looked up, her eyes large and questioning.

"I will always love you. You are very special to me. Remember that."

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