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Yoongi had changed out of his messy, blood spattered clothes and into something clean and comfortable - an all black ensemble that clearly spoke of his irritation at life.  He nudged his glasses back up onto his nose as he sat at his desk, his chair swiveling back and forth as his gaze locked on the plain ceiling. 

Too many things had happened in the last twenty-four hours.  Finding the Master List, seeing he had a half-brother who was also his competition, a gun fight, being on the run, chasing after Jieun... his mind stopped there.


His chair came to a slow stop and his fingers tapped gently on the arm of his black leather chair.  He thought back to the first time he had seen her, curled up and bloody in the trunk of some monster's trunk.  The memory of her head lying in his lap as they drove to the hospital made him smile slightly.  She was the most beautiful thing he had seen even when she was a mess.  Her life was so good up to that point.  So many things had changed for them both, except for one thing. 

He still had his father, who was now banging on his office door and shouting through the mahogany wood.

"Yoongi!  I swear, if you don't open this door I will personally have you run over by a semi while I watch!"

Yoongi's nose snarled as he slowly rose from his chair.  The leather creaked as it adjusted to his weight being gone.  He sauntered over to the door and gripped the handle, feeling the vibrations from his father's fists coming through to his hand.  This was not what he wanted to deal with today.  He unlocked the door and took a deep breath as he turned the handle.


Jieun called Yoongi from the hospital but he hadn't answered his phone.  She then dialed Hoseok and he immediately responded and agreed to come pick her up.  Taehyung refused to leave Jimin's side for the time being and Jieun was exhausted.  Taehyung had quietly insisted she go back to Yoongi's and rest up, not even meeting her eyes as she asked if he would be okay alone. 

Jieun had struggled with her decision to leave him at the hospital, but ended up saying goodbye to his back as he sat next to Jimin's bedside.  With a heavy sigh she left the room and after speaking with Hoseok, she waited for him in the lobby of the hospital. 

Her shoulders were heavy from all that had happened.  She really hadn't had an opportunity to process one thing before something else came up.  All she knew for sure was, Yoongi was upset with her, Taehyung was upset with her, and Jimin was out cold in a hospital bed.  Her parents were dead, her father leaving behind a tarnished image. 

Life was a mess and so was she.

A text message told her Hoseok was parked outside the hospital waiting for her and she trudged through the busy lobby to the black sedan outside.

"How is Jimin," Hoseok asked, as Jieun put on her seatbelt.

"Still out.  The doctors said he lost a lot of blood and they have been running tests to make sure nothing is wrong internally."  Jieun's hands fidgeted with her phone.  Her eyes felt heavy as her body sank back into the soft leather of the seat.

"Is Taehyung staying by himself?"  Hoseok's eyes looked into the rear view mirror and watched as Jieun's eyes lowered to her lap.

"Yes," she said softly. 

"He needs rest himself.  I don't care who he is.  Watching your best friend suffer like that is really traumatizing." 

Jieun felt tears well up in her eyes.  She hadn't really wanted to leave him alone, but ever since he had halfway confessed to her, the room was heavy with tense awkwardness.  All she could do was leave him alone to sort things out for himself.  Also, she needed space as well. 

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