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Tae1hyung and Jimin walked into the house now owned by Taehyung's mother. After his father's death a few years back, she had been the one to inherit everything. However, on paper, Kim Taehyung was the sole owner of everything his father had left behind. In an effort to honor the position his mother held, Taehyung allowed her to think she controlled everything concerning the large mansion. 

As the pair walked into the house, Oh Hwa Young came down the large staircase. 

"Hello, Taehyung," she said coldly. Her fierce gaze moved past her son to the man behind him. 

"Jiminie, welcome home." A small smile graced her beautiful face, and she finished her descent to the home's main floor. 

Jimin glanced at his master and friend. Taehyung's face showed no expression as he removed his jacket and proceeded to walk past his mother, no greeting coming from him whatsoever. 

"Hello, Madam," Jimin said, bowing. 

"You've lived here since you were four years old. Stop with the formalities. Call me 'Mother' if nothing else. I believe we've discussed this before." 

"With all due respect," Jimin said softly, "I prefer to keep a business boundary between us." 

The argument was ages old. Hwa Young always insisted he pretend to be her child when in all actuality, he was merely an orphan she took in out of pity. Jimin wasn't the type to put himself into a position he knew was never his, to begin with. The title of "son" in this family belonged to his best friend, and he would never do anything to take that from him.

The woman laughed and nodded. "You're a smart boy," she smiled, reaching out to place her hand on his head, which he moved slightly to avoid the contact. 

She frowned and dropped her hand. "How was school?"

"Just fine. I'm going to join the Master." Jimin bowed and quickly walked in the direction Taehyung had left in earlier.

"I wish you would stop calling him that. Sounds so kinky, Jimin," she yelled as he walked away. 

Jimin didn't care. It was what he needed to do to keep the proper lines of his and Taehyung's relationship. Their history went back as far as Jimin could remember. 

As a small, four-year-old child, Park Jimin was found outside the gates to the Kim home, starving and cold. With only his name to go on, Hwa Young had used her husband's connections to track down his family. It had taken her a few days, but she had finally been able to locate them. Unfortunately, for all involved, she found a pair of bloated and bloody bodies in the back of a small corner dry cleaner shop. Somehow Jimin had been outside with some other friends at the small park across from the shop when the hit had taken place. A group of angry gangster wannabes had had a disagreement with the Parks. All Hwa Young could find out was that it had to do with shop protection and money owed. 

As the story came to be told, Jimin had spent three days wandering around the city, dirty, crying, and alone. No one had bothered to help him. He wasn't from a wealthy family, and his parents' shop and home weren't located in the city's best area. It wasn't uncommon to see small street children running along the streets without a soul to care for them. When Jimin was found outside the gates of the Kim home, Hwa Young immediately took him in, falling hard for his eye smile and chubby cheeks. 

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