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Taehyung felt his pocket vibrate, and while Jieun was doing roll call, he stood in the back of the room and snuck a peek at his phone screen. He read Jimin's text and his eyes narrowed. His nose twitched slightly, and he quickly replaced his phone in his pocket. His eyes glanced towards the windows lining the hallway-side of the classroom.

He saw three men walking towards the class, passing the front entrance and coming to the rear. Taehyung recognized Seokjin but the other two men he did not know except for seeing them in the hallway that morning. He quickly pasted on a smile and stepped to the doorway, opening the door to give the men entrance to the classroom.

The air about the trio was uncomfortable. Taehyung felt like he should know them, yet he didn't. He tried to look friendly even though he felt like doing nothing more than punching two of them in the face just because they made him feel weird.

"Teacher Kim, we would like to merely observe the class for a few moments," whispered Seokjin, placing his hands behind his back and standing as close to the wall as he could. Seokjin had always been a slightly nervous fellow, and Taehyung knew it was because he feared the owner of this school more than he feared any angry parent.

"Yes, sir, that would be fine. Please try not to disrupt the students. We've just started our day." Taehyung watched as the man in the gray sweater glanced around the room quickly before locking his gaze on Jieun, who was standing in front of the class. Taehyung immediately disliked the man more than before.

Yoongi was not even bothered by the man who was now staring holes into his back. He had one thing on his mind, and that was seeing Nam Jieun, and there she stood. He wasn't sure why he had taken such an interest in this woman. He felt strangely drawn to her if for nothing more than she was beautiful. He felt shallow as that thought crossed his mind. He clasped his hands behind his back and glanced back at Taehyung, whose aura had grown darker. 

Yoongi raised an eyebrow and turned. "What are your names?" he said softly, knowing full well who they were but needing to act like he did not.

Taehyung's eyes narrowed, and he struggled to keep his suspicions off his face. "Kim Taehyung," he whispered.  "That's Nam Jieun." 

Yoongi nodded and hummed a small response. He looked back at the smartly dressed man and spoke just above a whisper. "Min Yoongi is my name."

Taehyung felt a cold chill run down his spine. Min...Yoongi? Min, as in the family who owned the school where he worked? Min, as in the crime family? 

"I'm sorry, did you say your name was Min?" Taehyung's voice increased in volume unintentionally, and he blushed as all the students turned around. 

Yoongi smirked and nodded. "That's right, Teacher Kim," he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I write your paychecks." He glanced at Hoseok standing next to him and tried to keep the smile playing on his lips from making a whole show of itself. 

Taehyung felt warm. Not in a good way. In all actuality, he felt sick. His gut instinct about these two men was correct. They were thugs. Jimin was also right in calling Yoongi the devil. He turned his gaze back to Jieun, who was finishing up her part of the class. He smiled tensely when she nodded; it was time to switch, and he made his way to the front of the room. 

Jieun walked down the side of the classroom and to the back to greet her guests. 

"Hello," she said sweetly and quietly, bowing slightly to her superiors. "Welcome to the second-grade class." 

Yoongi felt his heart race at the sound of her voice, which was a perfect match to her beautiful face. He returned her greeting with a small smile. "Hello and nice to meet you, Teacher Nam."

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