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JK jogged around the perimeter of the Min compound, enjoying a morning run. The sky was hazy and the sun was just starting to peek up over the ridges surrounding the house. He paused for a moment, leaning over on his knees to help draw in some deep breaths. 

Standing back up, his hands rested on his waist as he sucked in the air.  The sound of an engine reached his ears and his eyes turned towards the front of the house where the main driveway was.

He froze as a car zoomed up to the front of the house, the back door opening and something being thrown out. The car sped away and the grounds were quiet once more.

JK's eyes widened and he sprang into motion, rushing towards the lump he had since figured out was a body.  He skidded to a stop as he neared the quiet mass and he whispered a horrified, "Dear God..."

Laying in the same position he had been dumped in was a deathly quiet Namjoon. Barely recognizable because of the bruises and swollen areas on his face. His body was covered in cuts and bruises, his arms and legs looking broken beyond help.

JK swallowed the bile rising in his throat as he dropped down on his knees next to the man, unsure if he was alive or dead. He reached two trembling fingers to Namjoon's bloodied neck and felt a faint pulse. 

Namjoon's lips were barely moving and as JK leaned close, he heard him choke out the word, "Yoongi."

JK did not hesitate as he rushed into the house screaming for his boss.  He ran up the staircase and was soon in front of Yoongi's bedroom door, banging on it with his fists.

Hoseok exited his room first, his whole body seeming to be on high-alert. "What is it," he barked, walking over to JK.

Yoongi's door opened at that moment and he saw a very upset JK standing in front of his door. "What the-"

"Namjoon," breathed out JK, his eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"Namjoon?" questioned Hoseok.

"They dumped him." JK shifted his weight between his feet and then rushed off back down to the broken man outside.

Yoongi cast a wary glance at Hoseok and then quickly followed the young hacker. He hurried down the stairs and as he walked up to the man, whose head was now being cradled in JK's lap, he stared in shock. He had never seen a man so battered and broken. This was beyond horrific. It was absolutely inhumane.

Namjoon's bleary and swollen eyes slowly turned to Yoongi and his mouth tried to form words again. His hand was gripping a small wad of paper and he shakily held it out as best he could.

Yoongi knelt down on one knee and took the blood-stained paper, pulling it open and scnaning his eyes over the words.

"Say hello to your mole. I hope he made it to you alive. If not, well, you probably would have killed him anyway. You should really screen your people better, Yoongi. Let this be a lesson to you."

Lee signed his name in what appeared to be blood, most likely Namjoon's. Yoongi looked over at Namjoon sadly, and his lips formed a thin line. "Hoseok," he said softly, knowing the bodyguard would be close by.

"Sir," responded Hoseok.

"Get him into his room. Make it quick. Call in a doctor. I don't think he would make it to a hospital," he said sadly, his eyes traveling over Namjoon's body, taking in the horrors and injuries inflicted on him.

"You might have been a mole, Joon, but you were still one of my people." Yoongi sighed, his hand covering his mouth.

JK looked up at Yoongi, still not allowing tears to flow from his large eyes. "Was it Lee?" he choked.

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