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JK held his breath as he typed the command to put the hotel into complete darkness. No backup generators, no emergency lights. He had hacked into them all, rendering them powerless.

"Hyung, you did well." He let out a huge sigh and spun around to face Namjoon, who was still holding the small cellphone in front of his face.

Namjoon's arms dropped and his shoulders slumped forward. "I hope so. Those people need to know what kind of a monster they were about to put their trust in."

JK stood from his seat and walked over to the bed Namjoon was seated on and sat down. "Doesn't matter now. Boss will get rid of him."

"Are you sure?" Namjoon said dejectedly. "I have hope, but I also know what kind a ruthless man Lee is. He won't stop hunting Yoongi until he's good and dead."

* * *

As the lights went off, the crime families of Seoul went into self preservation mode. Gunshots and screams were rapidly increasing as people did not know who was shooting or who they were shooting at.

Jieun had to keep a hand over her mouth to prevent a reactionary scream. She scrambled in the darkness trying to find Taehyung or Hoseok but her hands came up empty.

Suddenly, a pair of arms engulfed her and started dragging her towards what looked like an exit. She struggled but stopped when a pair of lips touched her ear.

"Jieun, I swear, just trust me. Come on, we have to get moving." Yoongi's voice was strong and urgent.

Jieun ran as quickly as she could behind him, his cellphone flashlight lighting their path. Others had used the same tactic and the hotel was now lit with other cellphones and gun flashes as panic  continued to break out.

They ran like salmon swimming upstream, bodies dropping and people fleeing towards exits. Scrambling to a fire escape stairwell, Yoongi led Jieun up to the third floor, and down the hallway to a room. Knocking three times, the door flung open and Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung stood on the other side, completely armed.

"I thought you really were going to shoot that moron," snickered Taehyung, as Yoongi and Jieun stumbled into the room, slamming the door behind them.

"I missed on purpose," retorted Yoongi. "I knew you had a bigger score to settle with him. But I do wish I could see his face and hear him beg for his life."

Jieun was lost. She didn't know anything beyond this part of the plan. "What's going on, Yoongi?"

Yoongi looked at her, expecting to see tears and panic, but all he saw was stoic resolve in Jieun's eyes. He reached up and removed her mask, grabbing her cheeks into his hands and pressing his lips to hers roughly. After a few uncomfortable coughs from the men behind them, he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers.

"Jieun, we're getting out of here."

"All of us, right? Why are they aiming at the door, Yoongi? Is Lee coming here?" A hint of nervousness began to creep into her voice, causing Yoongi to remove his own mask, lean down and look her square in the eye.

"These guys can handle themselves. My job is to make sure you get out of here alive. We all agreed to it."

"It's true, Jieun," said Taehyung. "Yoongi is too important to you and you are important to all of us. You need to trust him and follow his lead. We'll be alright." He smiled and winked over his shoulder at her, a machine gun strapped across his chest and held comfortably in his hands.

Jimin smiled as well, just as equipped, with not only a few firearms, but more than enough knives, tucked into sheaths strapped all over his body. Hoseok was just as armed, his double shoulder holsters, and a few weapons recklessly shoved into the waist band of his pants. Anything coming through that door would have a hard time standing on its own after they were through.

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