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Yoongi awoke the next morning to the soft breathing of his wife, snuggled securely under his arm, her head resting on his chest. Her hair was messy and he grimaced at the morning breath, but knowing he was in the same shape, he just grinned and endured it. Kissing the top of her head he smiled at the sun peaking through the window curtains, casting a single beam across their bed.

The last few months had been the best of his entire life. He had lost the stressed and taut look to his face, as it was replaced by smile lines and slightly fuller cheeks. His shoulders had lost their tenseness and were now relaxed and easy. This break had been good for him.

It had been good for Jieun as well. She wasn't as tense or anxious as she had been when they arrived. His hand slowly caressed her arm that was lazily thrown across his stomach. If he could just freeze time and keep this moment forever, he was be the happiest man on earth.

His eyes skimmed her face, her skin, the soft roundness of her shoulder, the way her leg was cast up over his own, as if she were subconsciously afraid he would try to run away from her while she slept. He smiled to himself, taking in every detail he could and memorizing it.

Finally, he tore his gaze away from his wife and stared up at the boring plaster ceiling instead. His fingers absentmindedly trailed across her arm as he tried to sort out his thoughts. The text message from yesterday was foreboding.

He had no way to completely understand what it meant or even exactly who it was from. But he knew what he was to do next.

Slowly, he slid his arm out from under Jieun's head, making sure she was resting securely on his pillow. He tucked the blankets over her and kissed her lightly on the head, freezing as she stirred slightly. She was soon back asleep, snuggling down deeper into the blankets. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Tiptoeing to the closet, he grabbed some clothes and headed out and down the hall to the bathroom. A cold shower was all it took to get his mind kicked into gear. Thoughts raced around his head like cars on a track, zipping back and forth, and finally ending up in a single file line for a few moments.

He shut off the faucet and finished up his morning routine. Walking into the kitchen, he started some coffee and waited. His mind drifted back to the moment in JK's lair when all their plans were hastily thrown together.

"So, Jimin, stock all the weapons in that room. We need to be able to hold them off long enough for Boss and Jieun to get away." Hoseok pointed at the room in question and his serious expression put the rest of the group into an even more somber mood.

"You guys aren't going to expect me to sit this out, are you?" Yoongi looked at the group with a slack jaw.

"We are," nodded Taehyung.

"Since when am I supposed to be the one taking orders? I won't leave you guys behind. You'll be like fish in a barrel in there!" Yoongi's arms were now on his hips and he was gesturing angrily at the screen.

"We're capable of taking care of ourselves," murmured Jimin, a slightly amused expression on his face. He was anxious to be back in the thick of the action and his hand silently fingered the blade on his hip.

"I have no doubt of that," grumbled Yoongi. "But what if this doesn't go well? Jieun will hate me!" He was angry. Angry at being told what to do, and angry at the thought his crew would be completely eradicated if this went wrong.

"If it doesn't go as planned," smiled Taehyung, "you're a free man! Jieun will not hate you. She loves you too much, Yoongi. Stop being so stubborn about it."

"How can I look her in the eye and tell her I left her friends and my brother in there to die!?"

"Don't worry about it. You won't have to do that, boss," smiled Hoseok. "Now, Namjoon, we will need you to be prepared. Do you think you can handle a short video message?"

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