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"I'm done here," sighed Yoongi, leaning back in his chair. "You've been cooped up in here long enough. Let's take a walk." He pushed his chair back and stood to his feet.

Jieun looked up at him and contemplated his suggestion. She hadn't spoken to Taehyung since last night and she felt restless and desperate to get out of this house and go home.


What home? No one would be there to greet her anyway. Nothing was left there but memories. Even though her mind knew it long ago, her heart finally registered that she was utterly alone in the world now. No distant relatives to speak of. Sure, a few friends here and there, but none close. Her coworkers stuck to their own co-teachers and she really had no one outside of Taehyung and Jimin. She felt a slight panic rise in her chest.

Yoongi watched her eyes dart back and forth as if he could almost see the wheels in her head turning. He frowned slightly as he watched her teeter on the edge of completely breaking. He sighed softly and walked the few steps to stop beside her chair. Squatting down, he looked up with tender eyes into her face. "Jieun, look at me."

Jieun's breathing rate was quickly increasing and her hand gripped her chest. "I...I don't think...I don't think I can breathe." Her eyes were wide and she looked panicked.

Yoongi grabbed her hands and held them gently but firmly. "Jieun-ah. Look at me."

Jieun's wide, glassy eyes finally snapped over to him at the sound of the familiar name only used by her parents and sometimes Taehyung. Her bottom lip quivered.

Yoongi licked his lips slightly and took a deep breath. "Listen, I know your world is a jumbled mess right now. I get it. I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you and I promise you that I will get to the bottom of this whole mess. But I need you to take a deep breath and do something that will not come natural to you. I need you to trust me. Can you do that? Because that's the only way that I can protect you and solve this." His eyes searched hers for any sign that she would put aside their social differences.

Jieun looked into his eyes and saw nothing but genuine sincerity. They looked kind for once instead of cold and indifferent.  As she stared into his eyes her heart rate slowed, calm slowly seeping into her chest. 

"I'm not sure if I will ever fully trust you," she whispered, "but I will try."  What other choice would she have?  Everyone surrounding her right now was a bonafide criminal.  As the daughter of the chief of police, this whole situation made her skin crawl.

"Well, that's good enough for me," Yoongi said with a smile.  "C'mon.  It's time to get you some fresh air." 

* * *

"Here.  Slip your arms in here.  It's a bit chilly out."  Yoongi held up a black hoodie jacket as Jieun hesitantly slid her arms into the sleeves.  He smiled as the clothing hung a bit loosely on her small frame.  He stuffed one hand into his pocket and turned the door knob with the other.  He held the door open for her and smiled, encouraging her to step outside into the bright autumn sunshine. 

Jieun's eyes squinted slightly as she stepped outside into the brisk air.  She took a deep breath of the cold air and closed her eyes.  At this moment, everything felt so normal, except that it was anything but that.  She looked back at Yoongi, noticing he was still wearing only his sweater.  "Won't you be cold?"

He shook his head.  "We aren't going far."  He walked ahead of her slightly and led the way.  Jieun quickly caught up and fell in step with him, looking around her surroundings curiously. 

He stopped at the entrance of a rose garden.  It was still blooming but not for much longer. "Do you like roses?"

Jieun's eyes were soaking in the fading colors of the beautiful summer flowers. "Yes." She slowly walked over to a yellow bush and leaned down to smell its fragrance.

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