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"Hoseok, have the room across from mine readied for our guest." Yoongi carefully eased himself out from under Jieun's head. He frowned when two arms immediately appeared under her and she was quickly removed from his side.

"We aren't staying here," grumbled Taehyung, a foul expression lingering on his face. The thought of staying one more moment with this guy made his stomach churn and his skin crawl.

"I don't remember inviting you to stay. I distinctly remember saying 'guest' and not 'guests.' My main concern is Jieun being vulnerable to another attack. I can't trust you with her life." Yoongi stared in a matter-of-fact way at the man across from him.

Taehyung shifted Jieun's weight in his arms a bit and stared back. "And I can't trust you either."

Yoongi finally looked away from Taehyung's stubborn gaze. With one hand on his hip and the other pinching the bridge of his nose, he grimaced. "FINE. You're all staying here."

Hoseok cast a cold glare at their guests but allowed them to go ahead of him, mostly just to make sure they didn't try to run off anywhere. He walked closely behind Jimin. "Better be on your best behavior. You're in my territory now," smirked Hoseok.

Jimin rolled his eyes and kept his silence. He had never been one to speak quickly and he considered it a blessing he was that way, especially now. Walking into the lion's den was not the place to get mouthy. It might get you killed. He kept his gaze sharp and constantly scanned his surroundings, taking in the lay of the grounds and the house, where the visible security cameras were, and where guards were lingering. He made a mental note of it all as he followed his master into the Min house.

Hoseok watched the smaller man carefully. He had to admire his quick moves with his knife. Hoseok, however, preferred the quickness of a fire arm. He narrowed his eyes at Jimin's back. Death by knife was slightly slower and much more painful. This meant this Jimin guy was perhaps sadistic? Maybe he liked to put others through pain? Hoseok raised his eyebrows and made a note of that for himself. A man's choice of weapon always spoke volumes about him.

"Hoseok, take Jieun and Jimin up to the guestrooms. We're going to the security room." Yoongi cast a cautious look at Taehyung who was slightly flustered when Hoseok deftly scooped Jieun from his arms. Jimin gave Taehyung a knowing look and spun on his heel, following Hoseok up the large staircase.

Taehyung watched with reluctance as they ascended the stairs. He clenched his jaw and turned to his unwilling host. "What do you want?"

"I want to stay out of prison. Isn't that what you want also?" Yoongi folded his arms across his chest and sized up his opponent. "Look, Taehyung, I'm trying to help Jieun. You just happen to be a frustrating side effect of this problem. Something is going on. Until we figure that out, you, your minion, and Jieun are staying here."

Taehyung looked up at the ceiling and sighed. He felt his heart pumping and his head was throbbing. Weariness was creeping into his body from all the excitement of the evening and he didn't have the energy to fight this creep. "Fine. I'll do want you want. For now."

Yoongi smirked and turned, walking towards an elevator. "We'll see how willing you are," he said over his shoulder as he walked. "Let's go see JK."

"Who is JK?" Taehyung stepped into the small elevator and hugged the far corner with his back.

"Some KID I have in my employment." Yoongi said, looking up at a small security camera as he pressed a button causing the elevator to quickly move downward. The two men finished their ride in silence, each extremely cautious of the other.

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