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"I'm not your lover," hissed Jimin. 

"You are whatever I say you are," she hummed.

"I don't have time for you today."  Jimin tried to turn and leave but she grabbed him by the arm again. 

"Ah, ah, ah!" 

He turned slightly and saw her phone in her hand, ready to send a message, most likely to Taehyung.  "Don't you dare," he spat.

She raised an eyebrow as she moved closer.  "Only one way to keep your precious master in the dark, sweetie. 

Jimin felt himself being pulled out of the kitchen, anger pooling inside him.  He cared about Taehyung more than his own life and to have his friend find out what had been happening behind his back was too much for him to think about. He felt filthy and used.  Nothing more than a toy to the woman who had once made sure he had a home.  His nostrils flared in spite as he allowed himself to be drug off to a back room of the house for the sake of his friend.

Taehyung, I'm so sorry.


"Why isn't he back yet," muttered Taehyung.  He opened his phone and tracked Jimin's, noticing it had been at the Kim mansion for about forty-five minutes.  It shouldn't take that long to gather a few outfits and some toiletries.  He scowled at the phone.  His jaw clenched in anger as he slowly realized what was going on.


He hit Jimin's contact number and listened to the recorded message on the other end saying the phone was off right now.  Taehyung's breathing became rapid and he clenched his phone angrily.  Jimin was his dearest friend and yet his mother held so much control over him.  Jimin thought Taehyung knew nothing when in fact Taehyung knew everything. 

One evening, after a particularly vicious beating from his father, Taehyung went off in search of the one person he could count on to give him comfort and help tend his wounds.  He looked all over for Jimin and couldn't find him.  As he staggered outside, he saw his mother's car parked neatly in the garage.  He sighed as he knew that meant she had come home drunk again.  He sighed and with an aching back, he trudged through the back door.  As he stepped into the hallway that lead to the foyer of the house, he heard noises from a back room.  His mother's cackle reached his ears and his curiosity got the best of him. 

He stepped near the door and leaned his ear close to it.  His eyes widened as he heard noises he never wanted to hear.  His mother saying filthy and demeaning things to his best friend.  The sound of her disgusting laughter tortured him.  Taehyung's skin began to crawl and with newfound strength he rushed away from the door and into his room. 

He sat on his bed in disbelief.  His father was just down the hallway in his study.  There were employees everywhere.  What was she thinking?!  His blood boiled in anger and he waited for Jimin to come to his room, as was his habit at night before going to bed.  Without fail, Jimin would always come to check on Taehyung and tonight, Taehyung couldn't wait for his visit so he could confront him.

However, when Jimin walked in that night, now knowing what he wished he never knew, Taehyung saw the sadness and defeated look on his face.  His friend never met his gaze. 

"Master, is there anything I can get for you before you rest?" Jimin stood stoically in front of Taehyung, eyes downcast and shoulders slumped. 

Taehyung determined to confront his mother first before he tore into his best friend.  His mother meant very little to him but his friendship with Jimin was his greatest treasure.  "Father beat me again.  Can you put some antibiotics on the cuts please," sighed Taehyung, removing his shirt, now stained with blood of untended wounds.

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