-Chapter 3-

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Ginny and Hermione dragged me down another creaky corridor and into their room. I stumbled through the doorway, and Ginny closed the door behind us. I look up from my feet to see a bedroom with two large messy beds and one mattress on the floor. A dresser to my right and a large window on the far wall, with two thick patterned grey curtains hanging at its sides. Though it was obvious that the girls had attempted to dust, there was still a grey layer on every surface. A pile of mess slumped in the corner to my right, bits of old fabric and torn parchment sticking out. The floor is a dark wood, with a large rug covering most of it. My eyes land on my bags, which sit at the end of the mattress. Hermione walks over to the far bed and plonks herself down. 

"I know it's not much," she says, "but we're only here for a few more days. Ignore the mess in the corner- Creature said he'd clean it up but he hasn't," 

"Hermione doesn't want to hassle him, though he only really answers to Sirius-" Ginny says,

"He will do it when he has time!" Hermione says. Ginny gives me a look. 

"All we need to do is ask Sirius to tell him to-"

"NO, HE WILL Do It," Hermione snaps stubbornly,

"I'm assuming Creature is a house elf?" I say, shaking my head in amusement, "Honestly Ginny, I thought you'd know better after the S.P.E.W episode," Hermione rolls her eyes, throwing a pillow at me.

I chuckle, watching as Ginny goes and sits down on the other single. I walk over to my mattress, which has been neatly made with clean blankets and a white pillow. I sit down cross-legged and look around. Light comes in the window, catching the specks of dust that are floating through the air. Hermione promptly sneezes. 

"Why did you guys stop writing to me? I haven't gotten any letters in weeks," 

"What?!" They both shoot up, looking at me wide-eyed. 

"I've sent you letters!"

"So have I!"

"Well, I haven't received any," I scowl, looking down at my hands. When I stopped getting letters I'd been heartbroken. They were my only company over the holidays. 

"Maybe-" Hermione winces, "Maybe Dumbledore stopped them,"

My eyes snap up to her, and I glare, "He wouldn't-"

"No! It's just we haven't been allowed to write to Harry, maybe that applied to you too and we-"

"You haven't been allowed to write to Harry? Why?"

Hermione and Ginny glance at each other, "We don't know, Clara, We just weren't allowed to. Mum was even checking our mail- I'm sorry, we stopped getting letters from you too, but we kept writing. Hermione assumed Dumbledore or someone was stopping them from getting through," Ginny says,

Just then, I hear a curfuffle downstairs, loud voices and the clattering some something falling to the ground. The click of a door shutting. I bolt upright. That must be Harry. I scramble off the mattress, messing up the neatly made sheets, and out of the room. Down the corridor and over the landing. I thump down the stairs the first flight of stairs, and around the corner. My eyes fall on Mrs Weasely in her yellow dress, hugging a boy. He has dark messy hair and glasses and a bemused but grateful expression on his face as he hugs her. 

"Harry!" I grin, and Mrs Weasely lets go of him as he turns to see me. He grins back. I race down the stairs and wrap my arms around him, hugging him hard. He squeezes me, before letting go. "Are you alright? What happened?" 

He shakes his head, "It's complicated. It's really good to see you," 

I smile, "It's really good to see you too, come on," I grab his arm and drag him up the stairs. I pull him through the open door to what looks like Ron's room. He follows me in. I jump out of the way of Hermione, who runs up to Harry and hugs him like I did. 

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