-Chapter 23-

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We piled out of the Hogwarts Express and joined the see of students making their way towards the castle. I walk beside Harry, who smiles and looks around the crowd looking for someone. Cho, probably. I chuckle, elbowing him. 

"Get over yourself," I laugh,

"I just want to see her." 

"No kidding!"

Finally, we reach the carriages and load ourselves on. Ron and Hermione on one side, Harry and I on the other. I look out the back of the carriage to see Draco and his friends getting onto the next one. We briefly make eye contact, and I look down at my hands, smiling. Hermione kicks me, and when I look up at her she rolls her eyes. When we reach the castle it wasn't dark yet, and we started towards Hagrid's hut. He hasn't been around this year, and if he's back we need to speak to him. Or, more rightly, want to speak to him. 

We race down the hill to his hut, skidding through the mud and stopping when we hear a voice. My stomach turns and I feel the blood start to drain from my cheeks. Umbridge. We slip around the side of the hut just as she opens the door. My heartbeat is so loud in my ears I can't make out anything she says. I have a detention today. I have a detention today. Finally, we watch as she disappears up the hill towards the castle, and we breathe a sigh of relief. Shakily, I glance around at my friends, who have headed straight to Hagrid's door. I walk slowly up behind them, and as the door swings open I hang back, watching as they greet Hagrid. Hermione turns to me and gives me a quizzical look. 

"What's wrong?"

I falter, looking down at my feet. "I just remember, I have detention today. Sorry guys, Hagrid," I smile weakly. 

Hermione sighs, nodding. "See you at dinner then,"

"Fill me in," I say, forcing a grin as I turn and start back up the mountain. I can feel my body recoil with every step I take. It doesn't want to go. 


The door to her office looms above me. I sigh, raising a shaky hand and turning the handle. The door screeches and swings open. I step inside silently, not daring to look up at her. I close the door behind me and make a mental note of Draco's absence. He isn't here. I look up at her, glancing around the room. 

"Where is Malfoy?"

She turns, giving me a smile. "He is dealing with something else today, and won't be joining us. I hope that isn't an issue?"

I shake my head slowly. 

"Now, Clara, we can get this over with quickly and easily if you want, you know. We can." I don't respond, "You could just tell me when they are meeting next, and take me there, and there will be no need for persuasion. How does that sound?" I can't speak. I can't open my mouth. She sighs, "You know this is your fault then Clara. Don't you?" She smiles at me, picking her wand up from the table and, just like last time, placed a picture frame on her desk face down. 

I close my eyes, bracing myself. The pain hits me like a thousand white-hot knives piercing my body. I collapse, unable to scream. I try and block the pain, but I can't. Finally, I cry out, sobbing and squirming, the pain intensifying with every move I make. I give in to it, let it tear at me. Move when it wants me to.

Then it stops. I hear someone coming up the stairs. I press my forehead into the cool stone floor, letting the cold calm the pain in my head. The ringing in my ears begins to stop. 

"Up you get now, up." Umbridge hisses, and I push myself to my feet, "Out, now." 

I stumble for the door, pulling it open and stepping through it, I slowly walk down the stairs, seeing to people standing in the classroom. My vision is blurry and I can't make out faces, so I do my best to look as normal as I can. I ignore the pain and my dizziness and push forward through the room until they come into focus. My eyes meet Draco's for a moment, and I look away, walking through the classroom door. I walk for a while, eyes numbly looking around at the corridor. I feel the world spin and slump against one of the walls, pressing my head into the stone. I let out a sob, loud, croaky. It's not because of the pain. It's because it isn't over. 

I feel someone's hand land on my shoulder, and look up to see Draco. Wordlessly, he helps me to my feet and we walk towards our bathroom. We walk through the door and I wriggle from his grasp. I limp over to the sinks, placing my hands on either side and steadying myself. I turn on the tap and splash my face with cold water. I can see Draco watching me from behind in the mirror. A lump starts rising in my throat and I choke, falling to the floor. 

Draco sits down beside me and pulls me into a hug. 

"I can't do it anymore, I can't," I sob, pressing my face into his shoulder. "I can't do it, I just-"

I don't know how long we sit here. His arms wrapped around me, head leaning on mine. When I calm down, he sighs,

"I'm sorry I wasn't there today," 

"I know," I whisper, 

"Did you tell her anything?"

"I don't think so," He nods at this, 

"You have to tell her, Clara. You have to," 

"I can't,"

"She won't stop,"

I shudder, closing my eyes and trying to ignore him. I know he's right. The only chance I have is if I give in. But I can't do that, either. My friends would kill me, but if I don't tell her, she'll kill me. I sigh, 

"I know," I look up at him, "I have to."

He leans down and kisses me lightly, and I blush. He chuckles. "I'm sorry to say this, but yes. You do. Or I'll kill you, and if I kill you your brother will kill me, and you don't want that." 

I giggle, sitting up and pulling myself to my feet. "No, nobody wants that," 


This chapter is very eh I apologise. 

ASK ME ANY QUESTION HERE (especially ones unrelated to story I would love some of them thanks) 

Lots of love,

Taylor xx

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