-Chapter 29-

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Slowly, the Slytherin students retreat to their beds. At nine o'clock Lindsey tells the first and second years to go to bed. Then the third years, who follow begrudgingly. The rest of us are in charge of how long we stay up, and yet the common room is almost empty by eleven. 

Draco is studying at one end of the couch, and my eyes keep fluttering closed on their own. My eyelids are heavy, so heavy,  it takes every bit of me to keep them open, staring blankly at the red coals in the fireplace. Finally, I give in, letting my eyes fall closed and curling into the couch, face pressed into the fabrics of the cushions. I feel Draco get up, but can't muster the energy to say goodnight. He pulls the blanket up over my shoulders, and I smile internally. What a gentleman. 


Instead of morning light waking me, I'm being shaken. I jump awake, my eyes meeting Pansys. She frantically gets my attention, her eyes darting around trying to meet mine.


"Shhh!" She presses her hand to my mouth, "Umbridge is here, get under the couch. Now." She mouths at me. 

I freeze, slipping down onto the floor. I slide under the couch I slept on, listening as Pansy fluffs up pillows. She hangs the blanket over the back of the couch so it touches the floor. I need to remember to thank her for that.  I hear the faint clicking of heels on stone getting closer, until I know she is in the common room. I close my eyes, listening carefully. 

"Now, we've noticed a certain girl has been sitting with you during meals, and we have come to check that she hasn't been overstaying her welcome." She says calmly. "Ah, Crabbe, Goyle, Malfoy, would you help Filch look?"


"Yes, Malfoy?" I hear footsteps getting closer to the couch and I stiffen. 

"I made her sit with us. Didn't want her spreading any rumour about you." Draco says. He's a damn good liar. 

"Is that so?"

The footsteps come closer, then stop. "Filch, come and look at this, will you?" Crabbe's voice calls, and I hear the footsteps retreat. Pansy kicks my leg under the couch. I need to move. I slip out from underneath it, peering over the back to see Filch and Crabbe inspecting some chairs across the room. Umbridge is facing away from me, speaking to Draco, whose eyes briefly meet mine. Goyle sees me and jabs his head towards one of the columns that line the walls. I stand, slowly, quietly walking towards it. Suddenly, I notice Umbridge start to turn. I freeze in place. 

Draco jumps, "Wait! Wait, er, Professor, can I show you our trophy cabinet? You are a guest of honour and every guest deserves a tour!" She remains silent, half turned towards me. I take the chance and run over and hide behind the column. Pansy glances at me then goes and starts talking to a group of third years. This whole house is good at lying. Not even the first years have said anything or made any conspicuous eyes contact with me. 

I watch from the shadows as Filch searches my couch, finding nothing. Umbridge and Filch eventually leave, seemingly disappointed. The whole house is silent for a good minute afterwards, glancing around at the still faces. No one moves. 

Then everyone starts cheering. I grin, stepping out from the shadow of the column as everyone claps. Lindsey laughs. 

"Told you, we're family. You protect family." 


That afternoon, I leave class alone. Draco has the Inquisitorial Squad on today and can't walk me. Silently, head down, I walk the halls. I try and ignore the glares and elbows that come my way, pushing them out of my head. I'll be safe soon. Just a little more

Through my anxious haze I hear loud voices, and for the first time in ages, I realise they aren't aimed at me. I grit my teeth. It isn't worth it. I don't need any more reasons to be hated. 

"I didn't do anything you fu.ckwits!"

I groan. I have to. We're a family. I also could do with her help. Sighing, I turn around. Pansy stands, her back against a wall, her steely eyes starings straight into the eyes of a Hufflepuff boy and a Gryffindor boy, both whose names I don't know. The Gryffindor steps forward, standing up straight, though he isn't all that much taller than her. I watch. She can handle herself. He shoves her backwards, and she lets him, closing her eyes. This isn't like Pansy. 

"Hey!" I yell, dropping my books to the ground and walking over. I stand up tall, though it doesn't do much for my height. I glance at the Hufflepuff, "You really aren't living up to the Hufflepuff standards, are you?"

He chuckles, rolling his eyes, "Whereas you seem to have finally found your place, Deatheater." 

Pansy flinches, and I glance at her, then back at the boys. I grit my teeth. "Say that again, I dare you."

"What are you gonna do? Tell on me like you did your brother? Run back to your little boyfriend?" The Gryffindor chuckles, leaning closer to Pansy. She's shaking. 

"Fu.ck off," She croaks, her eyes brimming with tears, "Please."

I stay silent. 

"Thought so. You know, I liked you before you became a Deatheater and started hanging out with this one." Pansy looks away. 

"Say that again." I hiss, stepping forward. The Hufflepuff steps back, and the Gryffindor looks me up and down, smirking. He steps forward. Big mistake. 

"I said," He leans over me, grinning. His breath stinks. "I liked you better before you became a Deatheater and started hanging out with this slut."

My fist hits his face before I knew what was happening. He stumbles, and I bring my knee up to his crotch. Hard. He staggers sideways, crying out. The Hufflepuff stares at me with wide eyes. I raise my eyebrow at him and he starts backing away. I smirk, 

"And I liked you better when you had balls. Now," I lean forward so my eyes are at the Gryffindors level, "Remember, if you dob me in, you'll be telling everyone you were bashed up by a 5'2 Deatheater. Imagine how all your little girlfriends will feel about that? Now fu.ck off, or I'll do it again." 

The two boys sprint away, hurtling around the corner and disappearing. I wait a moment before crying out. 

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" I hop from one foot to another, holding my fist tightly. Merlin that hurt. "Merlin how do people do that-" 

I feel someone embrace me, hugging me tightly. I freeze. Pansy pulls away, eyes brimming with tears. "Thank you. So much. I didn't know- I just- I owe you one."

"Family, remember?" I say quietly, and she nods. Family



>>>>>> So I realised that I have literally over 10 chapters to go and I want to have this done by Christmas so I might start publishing more often? No promises and it won't be regular (Might do three one weekend then only one the next) but you'll still get at least one chapter every week. <<<<<<

Thanks for reading!

Taylor xx

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