-Chapter 5-

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We walk in silence. The slow crunching of our feet on the gravel track to the carriages is the only noise we make. We absorb each others company, arms brushing against the others, feet stepping in time. We've both grown. He's now a head taller than me, and he looks older, a lot less like the slightly scrawny Slytherin boy I befriended last year. My eyes fall forward onto the carriages. Two are just leaving, one holding Draco's friends, and the other holding Cho and her friends. We head over to the next empty one. I smile at the Thestral pulling it. I've always been able to see them. It huffs a breath of mist and lowers its head. I run my fingers over its thin skin, feeling every crevice of it's bones. 

"What are you doing?"

I jump, turning to Draco, who's motioning me to get into the carriage. 

"Oh, er, you can't see them," I mutter, looking down at my feet and hurrying over to him. He climbs up first, looking at me perplexed. He then holds out a hand for me to take.

"What?" I take his hand and he pulls me up. I sit on the opposite side of the carriage and face him. "What can't I see?"

"Thestrals. The creatures that pull the carriages."

"Nothing pulls the carriages."

The carriage lurches forward, as if to prove my point. 

"See, you're wrong about that."

"Oh am I now?"


He sighs, chuckling at me and scratching the back of his head. The air between us is electric. I almost can't breathe. 

"I've been looking forward to seeing you," He says, looking up at me,

"I've missed you too," I say back, grinning at him. I glance out of the back of the carriage to see Harry, Ron, Hermione and two other figures I can't make out going to the carriage behind us. As we move they become harder and harder to see until their disappear into the night. I look back at Draco.

"I'm sorry I didn't get your letters. Dumbledore stopped them. He didn't want me to know about, er, you know... Whats been going around lately. In the papers." Draco nods at this, shifting in his seat. He looks down at his hands. "You don't believe them do you?! I really am Harry's sister! I wouldn't-"

"I don't believe them Clara! I don't. My family just does. And I understand why he didn't want you to see them- Some of them were quite awful." Draco says quickly, giving me a concerned look. I sigh. 

"What did you do? Over the summer?" I ask, leaning forward and propping my head up on my hands. Change of subject. Good plan. 

"Nothing much. I never do much in the Holidays. Even Christmas is dull." I give him a look of pity. "What about you?"

"I was very lonely this summer. No letters and everything... But it was good." We sit in silence again for a few minutes, before Draco speaks.

"How are your...?" He runs his fingers over his neck lightly. My scars. 

"They're alright, but they're never going to fade away. Not completely."

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be, it's not your fault,"

"I should have pulled you up earlier- Been a better friend-"

"Shut up Draco! You were the best friend I had that day, anyway,"

"And, of course, the most handsome," He says, grinning and flicking his hair. I blush and roll my eyes, chucking my satchel at him. We both burst out laughing. 

"You're blushing!" He laughs,

"I'm not!"

"You are too!"


After I found Harry and the others, and Hermione gave be a scolding for 'abandoning them for distasteful company such as Draco Malfoy' we sat down in the Great Hall. The room buzzes, students reuniting and talking about the summer. I can't help but feel multiple eyes on Harry and I as we talk on our side of the Gryffindor table. Dumbledore starts his welcoming speech.

"I also wish to welcome our new defence against the dark arts teacher, professor Dolores Umbridge," He motions towards a women in pink head to toe at the end of the table, sitting next to Snape, who is eyeing her with visual distaste. "And I'm sure you'll all joint me in wishing the professor good luck." I smirk at this. Defence against the dark arts teachers have a track record of mishaps, if you'd like to call them that. Dumbledore goes to continue, but Umbridge cuts him off with a high pitched 'ehem' as she steps out from behind the table.

"She was at my hearing, she works for Fudge," Harry whispers to me, Hermione glances at him.

"Thank you headmaster, for those kind words of welcome." She walks over near to where Dumbledore stands. She looks out at us. "And how lovely it is, to see all your bright, happy faces, smiling up at me." I glance around. Very few are smiling. "I'm sure we are all going to be very good friends."

"That's likely," The Twins mutter, earning a stern glance from Umbridge. 

"The Ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance." She talks to us as if we are all very small children, which is a bit degrading. The youngest here are 11. "Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school," She nods at Dumbledore, who nods back, giving her a fake smile. He looks back up at is with an impatient look. 

"Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." She leaves with an high pitched chuckle as she finally returns to her seat, followed by a half hearted applause. 

Dumbledore sighs with relief. "Thank you, professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating."

"Illuminating? What a load of waffle." Ron mutters, rolling his eyes.

"What's it mean?" I murmur, looking over to Hermione.

"It means the Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts."

I glance down at my hands. That can't be a good thing. Not considering what they think about Harry and I. Especially me. I can already tell she hates me. 


Hey guys!



Thirdly- 17k ON THE FIRST BOOK

Thank you all so much for the support from the bottom of my heart. 

Also, I update weekly. Please don't read this and immediately ask for an update. I update every weekend. Any more than this and Its just tooooo muuuuch. I am a high school student, ya kno. Homework. 

See you next week!

Taylor xx

(Also can we appreciate how cute Clara and Draco are gonna be cause UGHGH)

(Casually fangirls over my own fanfic)

(Ok bye)

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