-Chapter 1-

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My bare feet pad along the Hogwarts corridors, the only thing spurring me forward being the cool stone floor. The warm summer air flowing through the castle makes you awfully sleepy. My cat, Ink, follows me as I walk. I have an owl too, called Quill, and both of them were given to me this summer. Ink, as a companion, and Quill for sending letters, since my other owl hurt themselves. I think it's quite fitting that I have a black cat, considering I am actually a witch. I step out through a large stone archway and into a courtyard, sighing as I breathe in the sunshine. This is the only time of year Hogwarts is warm enough. It's a pity the temperature only gets manageable when the other students leave- Swimming in the black lake would be much less terrifying with friends. I'll admit I was a bit concerned about swimming this summer, but it being the only relief from the heatwave left me with no other choice. Summer seems to be toning it down a bit now, and slowly, begrudgingly almost, welcoming Autumn. 

I'm not going to lie- Hogwarts is lovely to wander around when everyone's gone home. I love it, of course, because this is my home. There is no place I feel safer. Still, though, after last year I yearn for the company of someone my age. I continue through the courtyard, balancing along the edge of the fountain in the centre as I do so. I push open the large wooden door on the other side. Cool dark air surrounds me. I keep walking through Hogwarts, nothing but the sound of my own feet and the occasional ghost to accompany me. Hogwarts is so goddamn quiet sometimes. When I reach my room, which I will soon be abandoning for the Gryffindor dormitory, I flop down onto my messy double bed. The window is open, letting in a hint of a cool breeze. I sigh, sitting up and catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I'm wearing jeans, rolled up just above the knee, and a light flannel shirt tied at the elbow. I've changed this summer. I guess we all must have. I've gotten taller- not by much, but by enough. I just look older. My hair falls down in waves around my face unchanged, however. I wish it would grow up a bit and stop being so. Bloody. Annoying. 

I stare at myself for a bit, slightly impressed by how much more mature I look, before turning to the large open window. I can see the sun setting outside. I smile, grabbing my notepad and my feather quill, dipping it quickly in some ink on my bedside table by the window. Using a stool, I step up onto the windowsill, ignoring the drop below me. I lean on the side of the window, which is easily big enough for me to stand in, and begin to draw. 


I jump, a hand flying out and catching the edge of the window as I watch my quill fall to the bottom of the tower I reside in. I scowl, turning to see Severus standing in the doorway. He is giving me a half concerned smile, half amused smile. 

"You need to stop doing that, Clara. It isn't safe. One of these days-"

"I'll fall to my death Bla Bla Bla," I roll my eyes, jumping down from the windowsill. For someone who seems hostile 90% of the school year, he sure does worry about me sometimes. "Is there something you wanted, Severus?" 

"Yes, Dumbledore wishes to see you." He shakes his head at me, waving for me to lead the way out of the room. We walk in silence to Dumbledores office. Severus isn't very talkative. He's not as much of a father figure to me as Dumbledore is. He is far too serious for that. I can't help feel like he cares. He has always wanted to make sure I was well cared for and well loved. He was like an uncle that never had any children of his own and so saw me as almost a niece. Finally we arrive at the large statue, 

"Sherbet lemon," I say, awaiting the movement of the statue. Nothing moved. I turn and glare at Severus. "You have GOT to be kidding me. It's been that password forever. Since before I was born. What happened?!"

"You broke into his office and started going through books!"

"I was curious and extremely bored," I pout, and he sighs, 

"Liquorice allsorts," Snape says, and the statue promptly starts to turn, revealing the staircase that leads to Dumbledores office. 

"You have got to be-"

"You've become quite mouthy over the summer, Clara,"

"I know. I've been bored. Talking seems like the only alternative to death. I think I may have scared a few house-elves off, though." I say. Snape and I smirk at each other, and I burst out laughing. 

"After you," He says, and I lead the way up the stairs to Dumbledores office. 


"Ah, there you are Clara," Dumbledore smiles as we enter, and Severus closes the door behind me. I look around the room. Bookshelves and cabinets line its walls near the door, then some staircases lead up to an elevated area where his large wooden desk sits. Dumbledore is standing behind it, watching me. 

"Severus says you want to see me, Albus," I say, shifting my weight from foot to foot. 

"Yes Clara dear, now, your brother seems to have gotten himself, er," He hesitates, and my eyes widen. Harry? What's he gone and done now? Has he hurt himself?

"Harry?! Is he alright?" I gasp, eyes flying to Dumbledores.

"Oh yes, he is quite alright. He has gotten himself expelled." Dumbledore says matter-of-factly. 

"EXPELLED?!" I screech, hands forming fists as my shoulders stiffen, "You EXPELLED my brother?!" 

"I did not expel him, the ministry did," Dumbledore sighs calmly, eyeing me, "For using underage magic, and I will do all in my power to un-expel him." 

I sigh. Dumbledore has been acting rather reclusive this summer, I assume because of work. I don't have any contact with the outside world other than my friends, who haven't said anything to me in weeks. 

"It seems he used a Patronus charm to protect him and his cousin from two dementors. He is quite alright, and has a hearing at the ministry tomorrow," Dumbledore says, nodding at Severus behind me, who I realise has not left. 

"Clara, I have prepared this potion for you," He pulls a small glass bottle out of the inner pocket in his robes and holds it out to me. I slowly reach out and take it, eyeing it curiously. 

"What is it?"

"It will stop the connection with your brother from being so strong. It is only weak, one drop in water daily, and will only stop some things from passing between you," Severus explains, nodding at me. 

"It will stop us from feeling each other's pain?"

"Yes, among other things. If the dose is not enough I will need you to come to me. It is for your safety and his," He concludes. I turn to Dumbledore. 

"Why are you giving me this now? What's going on?" 

Dumbledore opens his mouth to explain when I hear the door open behind me and the rustle of robes. I turn to see Minerva, halfway through the door, whose eyes fly to Dumbledores.

"I see you're not quite finished," She says, stepping into the room and folding her hands in front of her. 

"What in merlins NAME is going on. Tell me. Now," I snap, turning to Dumbledore. 

"You are being sent to meet your brother at Grimmauld Place, or Headquarters," He answers, 

I'd heard him talk about Grimmauld Place, which he also refers to as Headquarters for the order. The Order of the Pheonix. It belongs to Sirius Black.

"Oh," I murmur, eyes flickering to the ground. "Will I be attending his trial?"

"As you are family, yes. I also know you have been bored. The Weasleys and the rest of them are staying there,"

I smile at this. I've missed Ginny and Hermione and Ron... And of course Harry. I don't know why they have decided to send me now, though. Maybe Harry needs my support? Goodness knows with these people. 

"Can I take Ink?" 




I'm excited ok editing was tedious. 

Taylor xx

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