-Chapter 19-

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Hi gang, just warning that there's some torture in this chapter, in case you find it triggering xx

Christmas break approached slowly, taking its time as the last few days slipped by. Draco and I rarely spoke- We weren't entirely sure as to what to say.It was awkward, which is the exact opposite of what I had wanted. We spoke once, briefly, when I told him the plan Hermione and I had come up with for Christmas. He still seems excited, regardless of the awkward rift that's formed between us. I'm not saying I regret kissing him- But I kind of do.

It's the DA's last day today- We leave on break tomorrow. This is our last lesson on the Expelliarmus charm, which I mastered years ago. Since I'm already confident with it, I decided to partner up with Neville. I glance around the room, waiting for Neville to fetch his wand (which he accidentally propelled across the room). Everyone's working hard and enjoying themselves, you can tell from the smiles. I see Cho flash a grin at Harry, which he returns. I smile, turning back to Neville.

"You've got it this time Neville, I swear."

He sighs, concentrating on his wand as Harry walks behind him, watching expectantly.


My wand flies out of my hand and clatters to the floor. The room looks over at us, smiling.

"You did it, Neville!"

The others hurry over, congratulating a speechless Neville.

"Fantastic Neville!" Harry exclaims, patting him on the shoulder. I grin. Neville looks like he's about to burst.

The class ends minutes later, and we all applaud Harry, who looks quite chuffed. Hermione and I hurry out after Ron, as we know Harry wants to speak to Cho. Alone. We're the last of the group, walking slowly, falling further and further behind them. We talk quietly about Christmas, and what we're packing, and our plans for tomorrow, when someone taps my shoulder. I spin around, my eyes meeting Draco's.

"Hello?" I say quietly, glancing over his shoulder to see Filch, grinning at me. I glance at Hermione, "You go ahead, 'Mione, I'll see you there,"

Hermione gives Draco a look, then turns and runs after Ron.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I hiss. He knows I'm faking because Filch is watching.

"Umbridge wants to see you," He snaps, taking my arm roughly. He leads me through the corridors, taking large steps so I have to almost run to keep up. We follow Filch to Umbridge's office,  at which point Draco practically flings me off his arm. I stumble forward. No one else is her apart from Umbridge, Draco, Filch, and I. I suppose the other trainees weren't needed.

"Thank you, Filch, you may go," Filch nods, turning the exiting the room. I glance at Draco, then back to Umbridge.

"What is-"

"Hem hem," Umbridge clear her throat, "I have heard from many authorities that there is a student organization running unchecked, which as stated in educational decree number 24,  is against the rules,"

I remain still. She knows about the Army. It's a wonder she hasn't said anything already, but I suppose they've been trying to find proof.

"These Authorities, whom I trust unquestionably, also say that you are involved in said elicit organization. Is this true?"

I shake my head.

"Do you know anything about said organization?"

I shake my head.

"I applaud your loyalty, Miss McGonagall, but I'm afraid I know better than to trust your lies. What do you know?" Her voice grows higher. More threatening.

"Nothing," I say quickly.

She sighs, her eyes trailing down to her wand. "Now, I hate to say it, but you leave me no choice. I must do what must be done," She pauses, her hand reaching backward and placing a small picture frame face down, "Are you part of the organization, Clara?"

I shake my head.

"As you continue to lie, you leave me no choice," She says quietly, raising her wand. I flinch. Fear starts rising in my stomach. My hands clench into fists. I turn away. "Crucio!"

I scream.

Pain streaks through me, and I fall to my knees. The world is black and red, twisted and aching. I can't breathe. I twist myself, curling into a ball. Her words pierce my ears again.

"Are you a member?"

I scream, writhing onto my back, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Are you?"

No. No. Don't. Don't give in now.

But it won't stop. Not ever. She'll just keep going until I'm dead. Insane like Neville's parents.

"Are you?"

"Yes," I choke, shuddering as the pain stops. I hold back tears. Now way in hell will she see my cry. Not now. Not ever.

"I'll see you after Christmas, Clara. Draco, take her away."

I don't feel his arms around me, or my feet hitting the ground. I do my best to walk, but every movement seems to awaken more pain on my part. I feel like a wet rag, and the water is the pain. I need to be wrung out.

We make our way, silently, to the bathroom. Our bathroom, now. We've claimed it. I wriggle from his grasp, collapsing onto the sinks. Shakily, I lean against the cubical.


His voice almost sounds foreign.

"I have to take you to the hospital wing,"


I murmur, closing my eyes. My heart beat is slowing now. I can feel the wave rising. The strangled cry I want to unleash. I want to feel safe again.

"Clara, you need medical attention or something- I don't know, but you can't keep doing this! She's going to kill you. I have to tell someone. You have to tell someone."

"If your father found out you helped me you'd be a goner, and so would I. Anything Dumbledore or I say won't be believed in a million years," I croak. This is it. I'm going to cry.

"I can't just do nothing," he says quietly.

"You can hug me," I sob.

He does.


There ye go

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